The Bureau of Environmental Health protects the health of Carroll County residents and visitors. Our efforts focus on safe food supplies, safe drinking water, effective wastewater disposal, prevention of the spread of vector and foodborne illnesses, and safe living environments. We partner with other community organizations to provide enforcement, education, and community outreach.
To request any records from the Environmental Health Bureau, please download and complete this form. Requests need to be e-mailed to carrollcounty.environmental@maryland.gov or faxed to 410-876-4430. Please see our Administrative Forms list at the bottom of this page for additional request and permit forms.
Bureau of Environmental Health
290 South Center Street
Westminster, Maryland 21157
Bureau Director: Lisa Staley
Fax: 410-876-4430
Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
*All food service licenses expire on December 31st each year. License renewals are mailed out by October 1st and must be recieved by December the 1st each year.
ATTENTION: Any renewal application recieved after December 1st will recieve a $50.00 late fee.
Information about new fee schedule:
CCHD Press Release EH Fees 12.6.24.docx.pdf