Welcome to the community health section of the Queen Anne's County Department of Health website.
Please browse our pages showing the services we provide.
2025 Approved Rates
DISCLAIMER: Rates may change without notice. Cost of vaccine does not include administrative fees. Not all services listed are available at the Queen Anne's County Health Department.

Dear Community Partner,
I am reaching out to introduce the Mid-Shore Health Improvement Coalition and announce our recent partnership with 211 Maryland (Maryland Information Network). Your organization has been identified as an important resource for residents within our five-county region, and as such, I cordially invite you to join our efforts to create the healthiest mid-shore.
About the Coalition The Mid-Shore Health Improvement Coalition is a collaboration of over 150 stakeholders from Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne's and Talbot Counties. Partners representing local health departments, schools, businesses, government, healthcare, and community and faith-based organizations are working together to address pressing issues that affect the health of our residents.
About 211 Maryland 211 is a simple, memorable phone number for Marylanders to connect with essential resources throughout the state. The free and confidential service enables individuals with unmet needs a one-stop access point instead of having to navigate through the sometimes confusing maze of health and human service agency phone numbers, websites and community resources.
For many years, health and human service agencies within our region have struggled to connect our residents to needed services. We want to change that. Through our partnership with 211 Maryland we aim to:
- Increase the discoverability of Mid-Shore services, leading to greater community utilization and impact.
- Improve interagency collaboration and coordination, resulting in more efficient resource allocation and service delivery.
- Reduce the administrative burden of maintaining separate directories by consolidating information in a standardized format and making it accessible for use by many systems simultaneously.
- Generate insights for needs assessment, program evaluation, and resource allocation.
Going forward, we will ask each of our Coalition partners to review their program listings within 211 Maryland on a quarterly basis to ensure we are offering the most up to date and reliable information to the public.
Thank you for your support!