
​​​Office of ​​​​​H​​a​​​​​​​​​rm Redu​ction (OHR)​

About Us

​​The Maryland Department of Health Behavioral Health Administration Office of Harm Reduction (OHR) (formerly ​Center for H​arm Reduction Services ​or CHRS) ​was established in 2019 to centralize harm reduction activities across the Department. OHR is housed with the Prevention and Promotion Division in the Behavioral Health Administration. OHR oversees the Overdose Response Program, Syringe Services Program, naloxone distribution, harm reduction gr​​ants​, and various workforce development, training, and technical assistance​ activities.​​​​​​​​​​

OHR Strategic Goal an​d Vision

OHR's strategic goal is to ​reduce substance-related morbidity and mortality by optimizing services for people who use drugs. ​The Office of Harm Reduction envisions a Maryland where:

  • People who use drugs have access to compassionate, quality care that is free from stigma;
  • Services are low-barrier, community-based, and comprehensive; and
  • Experiences of past trauma, criminal legal involvement, and racism do not determine one’s health outcomes or quality of life.​

Select OHR Programs

​​St​atewide​​ Stan​ding ​​Order​​ for P​harmacy Dispensin​g

​The ​statewide standing order issued by Dr. Laura Herrera Scott​, MD, MPH, Secretary of​ Health, Maryland Department of Health (MDH), allows all Maryland licensed pharm​acists to dispense naloxone, including any necessary supplies for administration, to an​y individual. Download the order and learn more​.

Overdose​ Resp​onse Progra​​​​m (ORP)

The Office of Harm Reduction authorizes government agencies and community-based organizations as Over​​dose ​R​esponse Programs​​, allowing them to provide overdose education and dispense naloxone to the community.​ Contact mdh.naloxone@maryland.gov with any questions.

Syringe Service​s Pro​​gra​m​ (SSP)

The Office of Harm Reduction administers the Maryland Syringe Services Program, reviewing new applications, managing program reporting, issuing program guidance, and providing TA and support to approved programs. OHR holds quarterly public meetings of the Harm Reduction Standing Advisory Committee​. Con​tac​t mdh.syringeservices@maryland.gov​ with any questions.

Rapid Analysis of Drugs (RAD)​​​

The Office of Harm Reduction administers Rapid Analysis of Drugs (RAD), a statewide drug checking program available to Maryland Syringe Service Program (SSP)​ participants.

OHR Grants and Res​ourc​​e​​s​​

Through our grant programs​​, OHR supports the local implementation of harm reduction programs and ensures statewide access to resources for harm reduction activities including naloxone. ​These grants support the OHR goals of reducing substance-related morbidity and mortality by optimizing services for people who use drugs. Contact mdh.access@maryland.gov​​ with any questions.​​​​​​

Training ​and Tec​​hnica​l ​Ass​istance​ ​

​​​​The Office of Harm Reduction partners ​with the Maryland Harm Reduction Training Institute (MaHRTI)​ to build the capacity of Maryland's harm reduction workforce to provide optimal services to people who use drugs. For more information, visit mahrti.org​ or contact mahrti@bhsbaltimore.org. OHR also provides other workforce development and traini​ng​, including the Regrounding Our Response initiative and Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion training.​

Additional Resourc​​es​​

Job Openings

Any active OHR postings will appear below. Click on the job title to view details, then click "View this recruitment" to apply.

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​Page content last checked January 22, 2025. Page contact: mdh.access@maryland.gov