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Maryland Harm Reduction Training Institute

The Maryland Department of Health, Center for Harm Reduction Services partners wi​th the Maryland Harm Reduction Training Institute (MaHRTI) to build the capacity of Maryland's harm reduction workforce to provide optimal services to pe​ople who use drugs. For more information visit​​ or contact

The MaHRTI website includes live and on-demand courses, a technical assistance request form, and a harm reduction resource library. ​There are a wide variety of online trainings available with information about providing compassionate, effective services to people who use drugs.

Free trainings include:

  • Harm Reduction 101
  • Stigma, Trauma and People Who Use Drugs
  • Outreach and Engagement of People Who Use Drugs
  • De-escalation and Conflict Management
  • Motivational Interviewing
  • Overdose Response Programs
  • Fentanyl Test Strips
  • And More!​
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Regrounding Our Response

The Regrounding Our Response (ROR) Training Series advances w​orkforce development, reduces stigma, and supports increased linkages to quality care for people who use drugs (PWUD). The ROR workforce development program supports the training of Master Presenters to sustainably disseminate inf​​ormation to the broader community and federally qualified health centers. ROR also measures community, workforce providers and Master Presenters stigma levels using the Shatterproof Addiction Stigma Index (SASI).

For more information or inquiries about the (ROR) Training Series, please email​.​​
BOLD stands for BIPOC Overdose prevention and Leadership Development. This initiative seeks to address overdose disparities in Black and Latinx communities in Maryland through an integrated plan of creating cultura​​lly informed training series to outreach workers and providers who service communities of people who use drugs. BOLD creates innovative interventions like the Peer Leadership Academy, Youth Peer Prevention and Maternal Health Curriculum to specifically address the structural issues that hinder BIPOC communities from accessing and retaining the lifesaving services provided by the state of Maryland. For more information, please email or​.​​​
Wound Care and Comprehensive Care​ for PWUD
Free in-person or virtual ​wound care training is available for clinical staff, and basic first aid and medical training is available for non-clinical staff. On-demand wound care training and harm reduction courses are on MaHRTI’s website. For more information or inquiries, please email​.​