FAQ's on Continuing Education Requirements

  1. Does the Board keep a list of approved continuing education programs and sponsors?
  2. What if a Board Authorized Sponsor reviews and approves a program of an “unapproved” provider?
  3. Do I still need to obtain 40 (30 for LBSW) continuing education credit units if I am a newly licensed social worker?
  4. Can a license​e carry over credit units into the next renewal cycle?
  5. If I am unable to meet the Continuing Education requirements, how do I request an extension of time?
  6. Under the continuing education regulations, can a licensed social worker obtain credit units for providing or receiving supervision or case consultation?
  7. Can I earn credit units for offering an approved face-to-face program?
  8. Can I receive continuing education credit units for courses related to learning American Sign Language or spoken languages when English is a second language for my clients?
  9. Can I receive continuing education credit units for the following courses?
  10. How long should a licensee keep his/her continuing education documentation?
  11. Can I receive continuing education credit units for supervision of staff, intern, group supervision or other?
  12. I am interested in providing trainings to licensed social workers in Maryland. Is the Board still accepting applications to become a Board Authorized Sponsor? 
  13. Pre-Renewal Audit. I have been informed by the Board that I will need to complete a Pre-Renewal Continuing Education Audit. What is the process and timeline?

    1. Does the Board keep a list of approved continuing education programs and sponsors?

    The Board does not keep a list of approved programs. However, the Board does maintain a list of authorized sponsors, which you can access by going to the CE Tab on the Website and then on the right-hand side, locate and click on Authorized Sponsors.​

    2. What if a Board Authorized Sponsor reviews and approves a program of an “unapproved” provider?

    Category I or Category II CEUs can be earned in this situation if the Board Authorized Sponsor maintains full responsibility for the program, places their name on the sponsor's certificate of attendance and indicates that they co-sponsored the program.

    3. Do I still need to obtain 40 (30 for LBSW) continuing education credit units if I am a newly licensed social worker?

    Yes. All licensed social workers must have obtained the required continuing education credit units before they can renew their license. A newly licensed social worker can earn credit units from the date the license was issued until the expiration date. A social worker renewing a license for a second time, or more, must obtain the credit units from November 1st to October 31st during the two year renewal cycle.

    4. Can a licensee carry over credit units into the next renewal cycle?


    5. If I am unable to meet the Continuing Education requirements, how do I request an extension of time?

    COMAR Extension of Time outlines the request process. The written request must be submitted by October 1st of the renewal year. The request must also include the reason(s) for the extension, supporting documentation, and copies of CE certificates already earned.

    6. Under the continuing education regulations, can a licensed social worker obtain credit units for providing or receiving supervision or case consultation?

    No. A licensed social worker cannot obtain credit units for providing or receiving supervision or case consultation. However, COMAR describes structured peer case conferences among LCSWs and LCSW-Cs as an approved Category II activity.

    7. Can I earn credit units for offering an approved face-to-face program?

    Yes, a licensee can earn up to 12 Category II credit units for preparing and presenting approved face-to-face programs (see COMAR

    8. Can I receive continuing education credit units for courses related to learning American Sign Language or spoken languages when English is a second language for my clients?

    Yes. A maximum of 6 Category II credit units may be earned by taking foreign or sign language courses intended to enhance the delivery of social work services (seeCOMAR​).

    (back to top)

    9. Can I receive continuing education credit units for the following courses?

    No. The objective of the continuing education requirements include: maintenance and enhancement of professional competence, ongoing improvement of professional skills and knowledge, and enrichment of social work services provided to the citizens of Maryland.

    The following learning activity list is not inclusive as CE learning activities are continually changing and evolving (posted on CE webpage).

    • Animal Therapy*
    • Brainspotting​
    • Chakra
    • Coaching​​
    • Computer Software Training
    • Consultation - Staff, Peer, Intern, Other
    • Conversion Therapy
    • CPR/First Aid
    • Eye Movement Integration Therapy
    • Holistic Therapies - Acupuncture
    • Hypnosis*
    • License Exam Preparation (Test Strategies/Study Skills)
    • Marketing
    • Martial Arts
    • Nature Based*
    • Personal Growth
    • Polyvagal Theory
    • REIKI
    • Sandplay/Sandtray Therapy*
    • Self-Development
    • Self-Help
    • Supervision - Individual, Peer, or Group​
    • Tai Chi
    • Workplace Administration Policy and Procedure
    • Yoga​*

    * Continuing Education staff will review upon request on a case by case basis

    Updated on 5/9/2024

    10. How long should a licensee keep his/her continuing education documentation?

    Record Retention:  
    As a licensed social worker, you shall maintain copies of your CE documents (Category I and Category II) for 3 years.  Per the Maryland Board of Social Work Examiners continuing education regulation, it states:  “A social worker with an active license shall retain records documenting completion of continuing education requirements for 3 years after the licensing renewal date for which the report of continuing education was submitted to the Board.”
    Example: If your license renewal deadline is October 31, 2020, your CEU records shall be kept until November 1, 2023. 

    11. Can I receive continuing education credit units for supervision of staff, intern, group supervision or other?

    No. You can only earn credit units for a Board Approved course in supervision under Category I or Category II.

    12. I am interested in providing trainings to licensed social workers in Maryland. Is the Board still accepting applications to become a Board Authorized Sponsor?​

    ​As of May 1, 2019, the Board of Social Work Examiners (Board) ended the Provisional Sponsorship Program and no longer accepts new applications to become a Board Authorized Sponsor. If your agency/organization is interested in providing continuing education learning activities to Maryland licensed social workers, one may want to consider contacting state, regional or national social work associations including but not limited to the NASW- National or the Association of Social Work Boards, ​Approved Continuing Education Program (ACE), to become an Approved Provider.  ACE also offers a program whereby one may apply and request a​​pproval for an individual course/conference.  Additional consideration may be to explore other state social work licensing boards which provide or approve trainings/programs relevant to the professional development of social workers. 

    13. Pre-Renewal Audit. I have been informed by the Board that I will need to complete a Pre-Renewal Continuing Education Audit. What is the process and timeline?

    ​Once the Board opens up the license renewal period in July 20XX, the Board mails out a packet in mid July 20XX to social workers who are required to complete a 20XX Pre-Renewal Continuing Education Audit.  Once you receive this packet with attachments, it will provide you with the information to submit your 20XX paper application, fee, signed CE Report Form, and copies of your CEUs to the Office of Continuing Education.  You may not renew in advance. You will be renewing during the 20XX open license renewal period.​

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    Updated 3/13/2025​
