Report to ImmuNet

Report to ImmuNet All Vaccines Administered​​

ImmuNet is Maryland's Immunization Information System (IIS). It is a secure web-based registry operated by the Center for Immunization at the Maryland Department of Health (MDH). ImmuNet information is confidential and available only to authorized users​​. To read more on the benefits of IIS go here​.

Per Maryland State Statute §18–109(d)(6)(I)3, all vaccinations administered in the State of Maryland are required to be reported to ImmuNet, Maryland’s Immunization Information System (IIS), regardless of patient opt-out status in ImmuNet (see more info about patient opt-out here). CDC recommends vaccination data be reported within ​​one day of vaccine administration,​ in an effort to improve clinical decision support with timely data, per ​​CDC IIS Functional Standards and Data Quality Blueprint.​​

See here​ for a minimal list of d​​ata elements to report to​​ ImmuNet. Refer to ​​​the ​ ImmuNet specifications​ and the CDC-endorsed core data elements ​for the complete list.​ See here​ for the historical list.

Providers participating in vaccination programs (e.g. Vaccines for Children) may be eligible to order VFC and/or adult vaccines through ImmuNet.  These providers must report administered doses under each location's unique Organization ID for accurate vaccine allocation and inventory reconciliation. ​​

To ensure you are in compliance with the State Statute §18–109(d)(6)(I)3​​ to Report to ImmuNet all vaccines administered, please see the section below that applies to you.

How can providers tell if they are already reporting to ImmuNet?

Sign in to ImmuNet to check if your patients' vaccination records from your practice are already​​​ in ImmuNet.  
No ImmuNet access? Get access here.​​​

Providers Who Are Already Reporting to ImmuNet

If you are already reporting​ to ImmuNet, you may sign in to ImmuNet to check that your data is being entered or sent across successfully. You can ensure the quality of your patients’ data by doing such periodic checks. If you report from an EHR, b​e sure your vendor communicate updates made to your EHR interface as that can affect your data submission.

If you do not have an ImmuNet account to sign in, see your organization's ImmuNet Admin User or ​​complete the ImmuNet Enrollment form here.​​​

If your organization is reporting through a network or umbrella EHR/EMR under the same group Organization ID, you should have your EHR/EMR vendor update the Organization ID to the one for your specific site. This is essential if you participate in an MDH vaccination program (e.g. VFC) and have ImmuNet vaccine inventory and need to reconcile them. It will also ​​ensure your data and reporting status is reflected correctly under your specific site in ImmuNet. If you need your specific site Organization ID, please contact ImmuNet Support.​

If your organization has a new location​ that needs to be onboarded, please complete the ImmuNet Enrollment Form here.​​​

Providers Who Are Not Reporting to ImmuNet

If you are not reporting to ImmuNet, follow the directions under A or B below:

A. Providers with Electronic Health or Medical Records Systems (EHR/EMR)

B. Providers without Electronic Health or Medical Records Systems (EHR/EMR)

Providers should put in a ticket with their EHR/EMR vendor to prepare their interface according to the ImmuNet specifications. When a test file is ready, contact ​ImmuNet Support for the onboarding team to assist with ​the testing/validation process.

ImmuNet supports bidirectional data exchange through the Maryland State Health Information Exchange partner, CRISP. Instructions for onboarding with CRISP can be found here​.

Note: ImmuNet conforms to the CDC HL7 2.5.1 Implementation Guide for Immunization Messaging, Release 1.5 , including supporting Query/Response, acknowledgment messaging, and the receipt of National Drug Codes (NDC) for newly-administered immunizations.


Providers who participate in the CMS Promoting Interoperability (PI) programs (aka EHR Incentive Program, Meaningful Use or MIPS) may already be registered to report to ImmuNet. If you are still in the queue and have a TEST file ready to submit, please contact the Public Health Reporting Help Desk. Note that participants must report from certified technology with Query/Response (bidirectional data exchange) capabilities and send NDC codes.

Multiple locations sharing the same electronic Health Records (EHR) system can register and onboard together as a group effort. However, each location/site will be assigned a separate Organization ID in ImmuNet.​

The Maryland Department of Health (MDH) strongly recommends reporting vaccination data to ImmuNet through an EHR/EMR. A direct connection between your EHR/EMR and ImmuNet is the most efficient, cost-saving and reliable method to ensure your vaccination data is reported in compliance with Maryland law. If you do not have an EHR or EMR, MDH strongly recommends  you get an EHR/EMR (there are a few low-cost or free options available).

If EHR/EMR is not a feasible option for you, there are two other methods of reporting to ImmuNet:

1. Upload CSV files on a daily basis.

Use the CRISP CSV-HL7 file conversion ​​​upload method (see instructions​​) to automate submission for CRISP to auto-convert the file to HL7 format (which will allow ImmuNet to deduct and reconcile your ImmuNet inventory). Please contact ImmuNet Support when you are ready to submit a test file. Do not include real patient data in your test file and do not email any files for confidentiality/security reasons.

Once testing is completed, you can submit CSV files using SFTP on an ongoing basis.


2. Manual Data Entry

Enter patient vaccination data manually into ImmuNet on a daily basis (least preferred option). You can review the ImmuNet Basic Guide for guidance. You will need to have an ImmuNet account. ​​

LHDs MPX vaccination data reporting guide here​.

If you do not have an ImmuNet account, please complete the ImmuNet Enrollment form here. ​

EHR and IIS Infographic

Bidirectional Data Exchange Infographic ​

EHR Vendors Currently Working wi​th ImmuNet​​​
