The Board's records indicate the following disciplinary orders and other public documents relating to Board actions taken against licensees, registrants and permit holders.  Please be advised that this information is not necessarily reflective of the current licensure status of a licensee, registrant, or permit holder.  In order to obtain current status information, please check the Board's verification page.

Disciplinary orders and other public documents are listed below alphabetically by last name for pharma​cist and technicians, and by the permit holders name.  Click on the letter of the alphabet corresponding to the licensee or registrants last name, or the first letter in the permit holders name.





​A ​

Abaid W. 11-6-2020

Abaid, W. 4-20-2022

Abdullah, R. 8-17-2018

ABH Pharmacy & Medical Suppliers 12-22-16

Abouelrous, M. 7-1-2019

Abrims, C. 7-17-17

Abrims, C. 4-18-2018

Accokeek Drug and Health Care Inc. 1-17-2023

Acheampong, A. 1-15-03

Adams, F. 6-12-2018

Adebanjo. A. 1-21-10

Adebanjo, A 5-17-2017

Adebanjo, A. and Hope 4 All Pharmacy 4-14-14

Adebayo, C. 9-17-2019

Adediran, O. 1-22-15

Adediran, O. 1-22-16

Adewetan, D. 1-18-02

Adkins, D. 5-6-11

Adkins, D. 12-21-11

Advanced Pharmacy 2-22-16

Advantage Pharmacy 1-15-14

Adventist Rehab Hospital 7-17-2013

Afari, G. 1-23-2020

Afridi, N. 12-12-12

Afridi, N. 6-7-13

Agalabia, C. 6-10-2020

Agha-Amiri, 10-19-11

AHF Pharmacy 8-9-2024.pdf

Ahubelem, U. 10-18-2022

​Ahubelem, U. 1-4-2023

Ahubelem, U. 6-16-2023​​

Ajimatanrareje, F., Jr. 1-31-12

Ajimatanrareje, Jr., F. 7-18-12

Akinbode, O. 12-8-2022

Akina Pharmacy 6-26-19

Akinsoji, J. 6-16-10

Akinyoyenu, T. 6-23-15

Akinyoyenu, T. 12-22-15

Alban, T. 5-20-2020

Alco Pharmacy 7-23-2015

Alco Pharmacy 9-4-2015

Alco Pharmacy 3-17-2016

Alco Pharmacy 6-5-2017

Alco Pharmacy 6-20-2018

Alexander J 5-24-2024.pdf

Alexander J 5-24-2024.pdf

AllCare Pharmacy 12-27-2024.pdf

Allen Jr., E. 8-7-2023

Allen, S 1-25-2022

Allen, T. 10-29-14

Allen, T. 10-21-15

Allen-Starks, C. 11-21-16

Allen-Starks, C. 10-17-2018

Alliance Pharmacy Plus Takoma Park 6-18-2024.pdf

Allied Pharmaceutical 6-19-2020

Allergychoices, Inc. 8-5-16

Alperstein, A. 6-19-07

Alpha Healthcare LLC 11-5-2018

Alpha Healthcare LLC 9-17-2019

Alter, S. 10-10-84

American Life Pharmacy 9-23-2024.pdf

American Sales Company 5-5-15

American Specialty Pharmacy 12-28-15

Ameridose 6-19-13

AMEX Pharmacy 5-26-18

Anda Inc. 12-2-2019

Anderson Compounding Pharmacy 6-4-2021

Anderson, J. 2-21-2018

Anderson, J. 3-9-17

Andreadakis, J. 06-81

Andreadakis, J. 5-7-84

Annapolis Healthcare Supplies Inc. 12-17-2021

Ansa, P. 6-15-88

Anthony, E. 6-21-10

Anthony, E. 6-15-11

Anthony, I. 7-24-2020

Anthony I. 7-21-2021

Anton, R. 10-30-01

Anton, R. 10-9-03

Anton, R. 12-23-04

Anton, R 4-19-2006

Anu S 01-29-2025.pdf

Apothecary 2-16-00

Apothecure, Inc., 9-19-14

Appel, L. 9-16-92

Appel, L. 9-19-96

Appel, L. 1-27-95

Appel, L. 1-6-04

Appel, L. 8-25-00

Appel, L. 10-18-00

Appel, L. 11-15-00

Appel, L. 7-27-01

Appel, L. 11-30-01

Appel, L. 7-7-03

Appel, L. 8-21-03

Apple Discount Drugs 7-15-10

Apple Discount Drugs 7-16-13

Apugo, S. 12-15-2020

Araia, B. 11-14-2018

Araia B. 1-25-2022

Archway Apothecary  6-23-2023

Arrey, P. 11-20-02

Arrey, P. 8-15-08

Arrey, P. 10-20-10

ASCO Healthcare 8-25-10

Ashworth, A 8-11-2022

Ashworth, A 4-27-2022

ASPCares 10-2-2020

ASP Cares Pharmacy 2-16-2022

Associated Pharmacies Inc 4-23-2019

Atlantic Discount Pharmacy 6-3-2024.pdf

Atlantic General Hospital Pharmacy 7-17-13

Atlas, R. 10-19-83

Atoloye, O. 4-9-2018

Austin, F.​ 11-7-2022

Austin Pharmacy & Medical Supplies 5-23-2022

Ayuketah, A. 1-7-2020

Back to top


B and C Health Services 7-17-13

Bailey J 12-20-2023.pdf

Bailey, L. 12-13-11

Baker, A. 1-15-2020

Baker, A. 6-7-2019

Baker, I ​6-13-2023​

Baker, J. 11-18-2019

Baker, J. 11-20-2020

Baker, J. 3-5-2021

Baker, M. 9-15-10

Baker, S. 6-18-14

Baker, S. 8-17-2016

Ball, M. 12-11-08

Ball, M. 1-30-09

Ball, M. 7-21-10

Ball, M. 3-16-11

BAO T 7-22-2024.pdf

Bao, T. 10-16-2018

Bao, T. 2-13-2023

Baranowski, A. 5-18-11

Baranowski, A. 11-28-12

Barbino, M. 9-17-10_1

Barbino, M. 9-17-12

Barbino, M. 11-24-13

Barbino, M. 11-25-13

Barbino, M. 4-19-2017

Barbino, M. 1-17-2023​

Barbino M 2-24-2025.pdf

Barron, J. 1-25-2022

Barshai, N. 4-22-97

Batts, C. 4-15-2016

Batts, C. 7-20-2016

Baylor, J. 10-1-13

BDI Pharma, Inc. 10.25.2018

Bean, T. 7-23-2018

Bean, T. 11-21-2018

Beatty, M. 4-10-2023

Beckman J 12-23-2024.pdf

Becker, D. 4-16-97

Beeli's Pharmacy 9-21-94

Beeli's Pharmacy 11-19-94

Bekoe, K. 4-11-2012

Belair Pharmacy 10-15-2019

Belfar, K. 5-10-2019

Belfar, K. 8-5-2019

Belfar, K 5-23-2022

Belton, C. 9-17-2018

Belton, C. 10-1-2018

Beltsville Pharmacy 8-10-15

Beltsville Pharmacy 7-20-2017

Benchoff, R. 1-20-99

Benchoff, R. 4-99

Benchoff, R. 8-16-00

Benchoff, R. 7-16-03

Benchoff, R. 8-12-08

Benson, G. 10-16-2019

Berger, J. 11-19-08

Berinyuy, V 4-15-2024.pdf

Bertrand, E. 8-29-13

Bertrand, E. 9-21-2016

Bertrand, E. 1-19-2018

Bertrand, E. 8-21-2019

Beshir, T. 11-10-2017

Best Care Pharmacy 9-17-2021

Best Pharmacy 3-19-2024.pdf

Best Pharmacy 12-11-2023.pdf

Bethea, K 12-21-2022​​

BET Pharm LLC 6-17-2021

Bhushan, A. 10-22-12

BioScrip Pharmacy Services 5-29-2018

Bisong, P. 2-16-05

Bisong, P. 6-22-2006

BJ Pharmacy 11-05

Blaustein, A. 8-20-86

Blaustein, A. 8-20-89

Bloch, D. 9-13-13

Bloch, D. 5-20-15

Blondheim, J. 3-25-96

Blount, M. 8-28-2018

Blount, M 7-20-2022

Blumenfeld, H. 3-7-80

Blumenfeld, H. 4-15-04

Blumenfeld, H. 4-24-2007

Boches, H. 3-28-12

Boches, H. 10-17-12

Bolden, T. 3-24-11

Bolden, T. 3-29-13

Boddie, B. 10-21-15

Bolt, T. 8-23-06

Bolt, T. 3-6-08

Bolt, T. 3-29-10

Bolt, T. 3-21-11

Bolt, T. 1-19-12

Booth, C 2-10-2022

Bourgeios D 1-13-2025.pdf

Bourgeios D 1-7-2025.pdf

Bourgeois, D. 8-9-2022

Bourgeois, D. 11-22-2022

Bougeois, D. 9-29-2023​​

Bowers, R. 3-4-2020

Boyd, Fulford 6-15-11

Bradford D 1-18-24.pdf

Brady III, E.O. 2-22-2018

Brady, E. 1-16-15

Brady, E. 2-3-15

Brady, E. 07-28-16

Bramson, M. 4-26-82

Brandon, R. 5-31-89

Brandon, R. 5-9-90

Brennan, J. 2-21-01

Brennan, J. 9-13-11

Brennan, J. 4-20-2016

Breslow, E. 7-19-2023

Bridges, K. 8-6-15

Bridges, K. 7-20-16

Brookville Pharmacy 2-6-2024.pdf

Brookville Pharmacy 5-13-14

Brookville Pharmacy 7-22-2016

Brookville Pharmacy 5-8-2020

Brookville Pharmacy 9-21-2020

Brown, E. 9-1-11

Brown, E. 3-21-12

Brown K 3-26-2024.pdf

Brown, K. 5-8-2020

Brown K. 7-25-2022

Brown, T. 5-20-09

Buchanan, W. 9-30-2019

Buchar, C. 12-23-99

Buchar, C. 7-7-02

Burgess, D. 11-20-2023

Buhrman, C 9-6-17

Buhrman, C. 5-16-2018

Burlock, M.J. 11-30-2017

Burlock, M.J. 8-15-2018

Burton, B. 3-21-2019

Burton, B. 1-18-17

Bush, W.B. 8-2-2017

Butler, M. 2-23-82

Butler, M. 7-2-86

Butler, M. 8-10-92

Buy-Rite 1-29-2021​​

Back to top


C.A.P.S 11-15-05

C.A.P.S 1-10-06

C.A.P.S 1-30-06

Cailler, D. 7-14-94

Cailler, D. 8-19-96

Calon, M. 6-7-05

Calon, M. 6-30-05

Calvert, K. 7-8-09

Calvert, K. 3-19-09

Calvert, K. 5-11-10

Calvert, K. 3-21-11

Calvert, K. 4-18-13

Calvin Scott and Company 5-15-13

Cameron, D. 3-3-15

Cameron, D. 10-18-2017

Cantners Drug Store 12-12-2018

Cantrell 1-9-2019

CAO T 7-22-2024.pdf

Cao, T. 2-13-2023

Cape Apothecary 3-1-17

Capriles A 3-19-2024.pdf

Cappelli, S. 3-8-13

Cappelli, S. 9-20-13

Cappelli, S. 02-19-14

Cardinal Health 1-11-05

Cardinal Health 4-18-06

Cardinal Health 12-8-09

Care Medica Pharmacy 9-24-2018

Care One Pharmacy 1-13-11

Care One Pharmacy 4-4-12

Care One Pharmacy 5-20-2016

Carrillo L 8-21-2024.pdf

Carrillo, L 4-3-2024.pdf

Carson, M. 4-17-85

Carter T 10-21-2024.pdf

Carter, B. 12-15-82

Carter, B. 6-11-86

Carter T 10-21-2024.pdf

Carter, T 9-13-22

Castillo, N. 10-17-2018

Caston, C. 10-17-2018

Caston, C. 8-16-17

Cavacos, T. 7-21-93

Celgene Corporation 5-30-14

Centre Park Pharmacy 3-9-2023

Chaiet, M. 4-18-01

Chalker, S. 3-5-2021

Chamblee, T. 9-10-2018

Chang, J. 12-18-2018

Cherry, SE 1-11-2017

Chester, W. 7-12-2019

Chester, W. 11-4-2019

Chester, W. 4-27-2023

Cheung, D. 12-3-07

Cheung, D. 2-13-09

Chew, M. 5-16-2022

Chew, M. 9-22-2022

Chew, M. 2-15-2023

Chin, Z. 1-26-11

Cho, A. 8-14-2018

Chou Connie 1-13-22

Chvat J 2-15-2023.pdf

Chvat, J. 11-4-2019

Cianos, J. 10-28-94

Cianos, J. 7-18-01

Cianos, J. 12-10-07

Cianos, J. 2-3-09

Cianos, J. 6-25-09

Cianos, J. 12-8-10

Ciaravella, K. 12-12-12

Ciaravella, K. 06-18-14

Citicare Pharmacy and Medical Equipment 10-21-2019

Citizens Pharmacy Services 1-29-2018

Citro, A. 9-19-2016

Citro, A. 4-18-2018

Citro, A. 7-26-2018

City Access Pharmacy, 5-15-2023

City Access Pharmacy, 10-10-2023

Claridge, J. 9-13-2018

Claridge, J. 11-27-2018

Claytons Pharmacy 11-5-2020

Clinkscale, H. 9-25-96

Closson, T. 8-18-11

Closson, T. 11-15-11

Closson, T. 4-16-12

Closson, T. 6-25-13

Closson, T. 6-11-14

Closson, T. 3-18-2016

CO Truxon, Inc. 5-21-12

Coffren A 11-20-2024.pdf

Cole, M. 2-17-16

Coleman, A. 12-5-11

Coleman, A. 02-19-14

College Pharmacy 1-2-07

College Pharmacy 1-20-2016

College Pharmacy 8-17-2016

Collins, S., 2-18-15

Community Care Pharmacy 10-19-06

Complete Pharmacy and Medical Solutions 3-22-2019

Complete Wellness Pharmacy 2-9-2024.pdf

Compound Care Pharmacy 2-23-2021

Conyers, III, C. 3-28-2017

Conyers, C. 7-16-2018

Conyers, C. III 6-23-14

Conyers, C. III 7-2-14

CO-OP Pharmacy 6-19-13

CO-OP Pharmacy 9-21-2016

Cooper, S. 9-19-02

Cooper, S. 10-2-02

Cosmos Arena Pharmacy and Medical Supplies 5-6-2024.pdf

Cothran, D. 7-11-96

Council, E. 8-15-2018

Coutros, V. 10-18-06

Coutros, V. 11-19-2008

Courtros, V. 7-17-13

Cox, N. 8-19-15

Craigs Drug Store 2-22-2021

Craig's Institutional Pharmacy 1-17-2020

Critchlow, I. 10-14-16

Critchlow, I. 1-18-17

Critchlow, Ingrid 1-17-2019

Cross Keys Pharmacy 9-13-95

Crowns Pharmacy and Clinic 2-26-24.pdf

Cubist Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 4-24-14

Cunanan J 7-16-2024.pdf

Curry, D. 4-27-84

Curry, D. 5-2-83

Curry, D. 6-13-84

Curry, D. 8-4-83

Curry, D. 4-8-87

Curry, D. 1-9-04

Curry, D. 12-10-04

Custom Prescriptions of Lancaster 9-12-2024.pdf

CVS Pharmacy 1800 01-29-2025.pdf​​

CVS 1800 06.28.2024.pdf

CVS Corporate Office 3-26-14

CVS Pharmcy 1448 10-3-2024.pdf

CVS Pharmacy 1491 11-18-2024.pdf

CVS Pharmacy 1436 11-13-2024 (1).pdf

CVS Pharmacy 169 7-1-2024.pdf

CVS Pharmacy 352 2-25-2021

CVS Pharmacy 452 1-29-2021

CVS Pharmacy 1431 8-29-2024.pdf

CVS Pharmacy 1440 5-8-2020

CVS Pharmacy 1441 7-11-2024.pdf

CVS Pharmacy 1442 8-8-2024.pdf

CVS Pharmacy 1443 8-6-2020

CVS Pharmacy 1444 3-6-13

CVS Pharmacy 1451 6-28-2024.pdf

CVS Pharmacy 1451 5-12-10

CVS Pharmacy 1452 8-8-2024.pdf

CVS Pharmacy 1454 7-1-2024.pdf

Paid fine.CVS Pharmacy 1456.Case PI-15-091

CVS Pharmacy #1463 7-21-2023.pdf

CVS Pharmacy 1469 10-22-2019

CVS Pharmacy 1470 7-31-2019

CVS Pharmacy 1479 6-25-2024.pdf

CVS Pharmacy 1479 4-20-2018

CVS Pharmacy 1481 10-22-2019

CVS Pharmacy 1481 5-3-2019

CVS Pharmacy 1484 2-15-2012

Paid fine.CVS Pharmacy 1485.Case PI-15-048

CVS Pharmacy 1485 6-21-00

CVS Pharmacy 1488 10-25-2019

CVS Pharmacy 1488 5-3-2019

CVS Pharmacy 1489 10-7-09

CVS Pharmacy 1491 1-28-2021

CVS Pharmacy 1495 6-5-2018

CVS Pharmacy 1496 1-12-2017

CVS Pharmacy 1497 7-1-2024 (1).pdf

CVS Pharmacy 1497 7-1-2024.pdf

CVS Pharmacy 1501 2-26-2020

CVS Pharmacy 1504 6-25-2024.pdf

CVS Pharmacy 1506 7-1-2024.pdf

CVS Pharmacy 1510 7-1-2024.pdf

CVS Pharmacy 1510 11-2-2018

CVS Pharmacy 1511 4-18-2019

CVS Pharmacy 1511 10-25-2019

CVS Pharmacy 1514 7-26-2016

CVS Pharmacy 1521 7-11-2024.pdf

CVS Pharmacy 1522 5-3-2019

CVS Pharmacy 16605 6-25-2024.pdf

CVS Pharmacy 1735 12-28-2016

CVS Pharmacy 17378 8-16-2023.pdf

CVS Pharmacy 1790 7-20-2023.pdf

CVS Pharmacy 1795 9-1-2020

CVS Pharmacy ​1831 2-24-2023

CVS Pharmacy 1838 5-3-2019

CVS Pharmacy 1838  10-9-2019

CVS Pharmacy 1838 10-25-2019

CVS Pharmacy 1880 8-14-2024.pdf

CVS Pharmacy 1881 6-18-2019

CVS Pharmacy 1909 11-5-2019

​​CVS Pharmacy 1909 3-6-2023

CVS Pharmacy 1964 7-1-2024.pdf

CVS Pharmacy 2010 1-14-2020

CVS Pharmacy 2033 3-11-2020

CVS Pharmacy 2033 1-12-2017

CVS Pharmacy 2034 4-9-2018

CVS Pharmacy 2043 9-15-2020

CVS Pharmacy 2045 8-13-2018

CVS Pharmacy 2045 6-25-2024.pdf

CVS Pharmacy 2216 2-20-2020

CVS Pharmacy 2221 2-23-2023

CVS Pharmacy 2221 11-2-2018

CVS Pharmacy 2334 7-1-2024.pdf

CVS Pharmacy 2775 3-12-13

CVS Pharmacy 2775 1-29-16

CVS Pharmacy 2778 6-12-2023.pdf

CVS Pharmacy 3045 7-1-2020

CVS Pharmacy 3047 4-8-2019

CVS Pharmacy 4017 7-1-2024.pdf

CVS Pharmacy 4030 1-2-2019

CVS Pharmacy 4079 9-12-2019

CVS Pharmacy 4225 3-11-2020

CVS Pharmacy #4274 5-16-2016

Paid fine.CVS Pharmacy 4302.Case PI-15-050

CVS Pharmacy 4302 7-8-2020

CVS Pharmacy 4302 7-8-2020

CVS Pharmacy 4418 3-7-13

CVS Pharmacy 4429 11-7-2019

CVS Pharmacy 5381 6-25-2024.pdf

CVS Pharmacy 5381 4-7-2023

CVS Pharmacy 5706 11-25-2019

CVS Pharmacy 5706 10-20-2017

CVS Pharmacy 5706 9-12-2019

Deficiency Notice fine.CVS Pharmacy 5733 Case PI-16-072

Paid fine.CVS Pharmacy 5875.Case PI-15-067

CVS Pharmacy 5875 11-14-2018

CVS Pharmacy 5909 12-20-2019

Deficiency Notice fine.CVS Pharmacy 6765 Case PI-16-071

CVS Pharmacy 6765 6-24-2020

CVS Pharmacy 10094 6-24-2020

CVS Pharmacy 10123 4-14-2020

CVS Pharmacy 10565 8-26-2020

CVS Pharmacy 10835 5-3-2019

CVS Pharmacy 10892 8-14-2024.pdf

CVS Pharmacy 11042 1-10-2019

CVS Pharmacy 16396 10-20-2017

CVS Pharmacy 16430 5-28-2020

CVS Pharmacy 16605 6-25-2024.pdf

CVS Pharmacy 16612 9-12-2019

CVS Pharmacy 16639 9-15-2020

CVS Pharmacy 16991 7-1-2024.pdf

CVS Pharmacy 17017 10-15-2020

CVS Pharmacy 17679 2-18-2021

CVS Pharmacy 17778 1-28-2021

Cystic Fibrosis Services Inc 10-31-2017

Back to top


Dailey, S. 9-4-92

Dailey, S. 1-18-96

Dandapani, K 6-18-2021

Daniels, T. 12-17-2019

Danielson, J. 11-6-2019

Danielson, J. 2-19-2020

Danoff, J. 8-19-98

Daramola A 5-31-2024.pdf

Daskal, J. 8-11-16

Daskal, J. 9-19-2018

Davies, K. 7-16-03

Davies, W. 1-23-2020

Davies, W. 5-29-2020

Davis, K. 11-20-13

DeGraft-Johnson, J. 5-15-13

Dehaven, D. 10-16-02

Dehaven, D. 2-16-2005

Delcher, M. 11-2-10

DeMary J 10-22-2024.pdf

DeMary, J. 2-21-2019

Dennis L 2-19-2025.pdf

DePasquale S. 8-18-2021

Derman, S. 8-21-13

Derman, S. 12-20-2017

Desai, U. 3-16-2020

Desilva, K. 6-30-00

Diabetes Corporation of America 8-6-2021

Dickter, H. 2-18-04

Dieng, N. 10-1-2018

Dieng, N. 1-17-2019

Dieng, N. 9-27-2019

Dillman, D. 11-19-97

Dinan, A. 1-25-12

Dinan, A. 02-19-14

Dixon J 5-23-2024.pdf

Do, P. 11-5-2019

Donohue P 8-19-2024.pdf

Dowling, D. 2-22-89

Dreyer, D. 5-6-87

Dreyer, D. 8-29-90

Drug Depot, Inc. dba APS Pharmacy, 1-25-2019

Drug Hut 6-10-2021

Drug Hut 8-24-2021

Drug Globe Inc 1-17-2024.pdf​​

Duff, K. 4-23-2019

Dundalk Pharmacy 3-29-11

Dundalk Pharmacy 8-2-2013

Dundalk Pharmacy 4-1-14

Dunkerly, C. 2-6-2020

Dunkerly C. 7-21-2021

Durso, A. 10-26-84

Durso, A. 3-16-05

Durso, A. 3-21-2007


Eacho, D. 3-18-15

East Pines Pharmacy and Medical Equipment 2-14-2020

Eastern Shore Pharmacy 11-28-12

Eastham, K. 8-25-10

Eastham, K. 4-5-11

Edelman, J. 11-6-2019

Edelman, J. 2-19-2020

Edewor, D. 3-30-2020

Ejedoghaobi, P. 8-17-09

Ejedoghaobi, P. 3-25-10

Ekaney, L. 1-16-02

Ekaney, L. 11-15-05

Ekaney, L. 2-24-10

Ekee, E 12-07-2018

Ekee, E 1-14-2019

Ekwunazu, U. 8-9-12

Ekwunazu, U. 7-7-2017

El Hayek, P 12-21-2022

Elberry, M. 7-30-12

Elberry, M. 1-23-2017

Elgawly, M. 3-11-2021

Ellicott City Pharmacy 12-18-2018

Elliot, W. 4-6-12

Elliott, W. 11-28-12

Elliott, W. 6-15-2016

Emamhosseini, F. 8-26-13

Emamhosseini, F., 9-24-2015

Emamhosseini, M. 8-26-13

Emery, K. 10-9-07

Emery, K. 7-23-08

Emery, K. 3-12-09

Emery, K. 8-17-09

Emery, K. 10-18-10

Emery, K. 11-17-10

Emery, K. 1-19-12

Erdman Avenue Pharmacy 2-22-2021

Ereme, E. 3-11-2003

Ereme, E. 3-24-03

Eskandari, M. 11-17-99

Eskandari, M. 4-18-01

Eskandari, M.3-9-12

Eskandari, M. 3-25-14

Estes, M. 7-3-14

Ethicon Inc 7-2-2024.pdf

Evans, A., 12-16-14

Evans, A. 8-16-17

Extracare Pharmacy 1-17-24.pdf

Exum, C. 10-24-2023

Back to top


Faith Pharmacy LLC 11-20-2024.pdf

Faith Pharmacy 10-15-2019

Faith Pharmacy LLC  6-21-2023

Fagbemi R 5-6-2024.pdf

Famili-Care Pharmacy 11-20-2019

Family Care Pharmacy 1-16-2020

Family Choice Pharmacy 8-6-2018

Family Choice Pharmacy 2-15-2023

Family Meds Inc. 6-16-2023.pdf

Famoso, Z. 7-6-17

Famoso, Z. 8-15-2018

Fapohunda, E. 11.16.2017

Fapohunda, E. 3-12-2018

Farace, J. 1-15-92

Felder, Jr., H 11-9-2013

Felsenberg, S. 3-15-00

Felsenberg, S. 2-18-98

Fink, M. 3-21-16

Fink, M. 10-18-2017

Fink, M. 10-16-2019

Fire, R. 7-22-94

Fisher Scientific and Fisher Healthcare 10-29-2024.pdf

Flaggs, R. 4-22-98

Fleming, C. 8-19-98

Flowers, P. 12-12-12

Flowers, P. 5-20-15

Floyd M 5-29-24.pdf

Floyd Mary Jo 12-14-2023.pdf

Flynn, M. 2-25-87

Fobi-Takusi 10-26-12

Fobi-Takusi 11-21-14

Foers Long Term Care Pharmacy 9-24-2020

Foote, R. 5-6-99

Foote, R. 6-28-00

Foote, R. 07-25-07

Foote, R. 4-4-08

Foote, R. 6-18-10

Foote, R. 4-4-12

Foote, R. 10-16-12

Floyd M 5-29-24.pdf

Ford N 5-23-2024.pdf

Ford N 2-19-2025.pdf​​

Fort Washington Medical Center Pharmacy 1-11-12

Fowlkes, D. 12-20-13

Fox, K. 9-19-23

Frankford Family Pharmacy 9-25-2017

Franklin, C. 1-15-2019

Freedenberg, G. 7-21-93

Freedenberg, G. 3-15-00

Freedom Pharmacy 1-13-2017

Friedl, J. 5-31-89

Friedman, A. 3-2-82

Friedman, A. 9-16-87

Friedman, J. 7-1-87

Friendly Pharmacy 1-11-02

Friendly Pharmacy 4-24-2018

Fuangunyi, A. 1-23-15

Fuangunyi, A. 12-22-10

Fuangunyi, M, 12-10

Back to top


Gaithersburg Pharmacy 5-7-2024.pdf​​

Gallotte, M. 4-19-14

Gary C 10-16-2024.pdf

Gary C 12-5-2023.pdf

Gasdia, D. 6-11-97

Gasdia, D. 05-03-07

Gasdia, D. 4-15-2009

Gasque, W. 4-27-10

Gass, J. 3-21-79

Gass, J. 5-4-93

Gbadamosi, Y. 5-17-04

Geipe Pharmacy 10-6-2023.pdf

GENRX Consent Order

Geriscript 10-15-2024.pdf

Getinge USA Sales, LLC 4-15-2024.pdf

George, C. 11-15-05

Gerald, A. 11-20-13

Gerald, A. 1-25-12

Germantown Professional Pharmacy and Compounding 12-7-2017

Germatown Professional Pharmacy and Compounding 10-16-2019

Getinge USA Sales, LLC 4-15-2024.pdf

Getz, C. 4-9-15

Getz, C. , 03-20-13

Getz, C. 9-22-2020

Giant Pharmacy 111 4-9-2019

Giant Pharmacy 117 9-5-2024.pdf

Giant Pharmacy 117 6-29-2018

Giant Pharmacy 128 8-14-2018

Giant Pharmacy 135 10-29-2020

Giant Pharmacy 135 12-16-2016

Giant Pharmacy 135 12-26-18

Giant Pharmacy 136 1-25-11

Giant Pharmacy 147 9-24-2018

Giant Pharmacy 147 1-3-2019

Giant Pharmacy 159 10-3-2017

Giant Pharmacy 315 8-1-22

Giant Pharmacy 319 7-16-2013

Giant Pharmacy 334 3-13-2017

Giant Pharmacy 353 12-2-2016

Giant Pharmacy 365 10-4-2018

Giant Pharmacy 1132 4-10-02

Giant Pharmacy 2301 12-16-2016

Giant Pharmacy 2304 3-2-2017

Gilpin, D. 8-15-2018

Gingher, A 1-12-16

Gingher, A. 5-19-2017

Glasgow, A. 8-10-17

Glasgow, A. 8.24.2018

Glispery, K. 02-19-14

Glisson, H. 6-26-12

Glory Pharmacy 9-26-2019

Glover, W. 3-17-10

Goldberg, L. 9-16-81

Goldberg, J. 2-6-84

Goldfine, S. 10-23-96

Gomes, A. 1-13-12

Gomes, A. 1-14-13

Gomes, D. 11-15-94

Goodacre, C. 5-20-09

Goodacre, C. 10-12-10

Goodacre, C. 6-26-12

Goodarzi, B. 4-21-99

Goodarzi, B. 8-6-99

Goodarzi, B. 7-20-05

Gotlewski, J. 8-30-95

Gotlewski, J. 9-23-98

Grace Pharmacy 1-18-02

Grant, D. 8-16-17

Grant, D. 4-18-2018

Green, M. 05-15-07

Green T 8-9-2023.pdf

Greenberg, G. 1-8-97

Green's Pharmacy 2-1-96

Greensboro Pharmacy 2-9-2017

Greenwald, J. 1-22-2019

Grimm, A 3-22-2022

Grimm, A. 2-15-2023

Grinder, A 5-14-2021

Grinder A. 9-15-2021

Groff M 12-18-2024.pdf

Groff, M 4-12-2022​​

Grossblatt, N. 7-1-09

Grzib, A. 9-29-2016

Grzib, A. 11-15-2017

Guess, M. 8-30-12

Guess, M. 3-4-14

Guess, M 10-21-2015

Guinn, K. 9-9-2019

Guinn K. 1-29-2021

Gulf Coast Pharmaceuticals 5-18-11

Gurule, J. 6-13-14

Gurule, J. 8-16-17

Gwynn Oak Pharmacy   12-8-2022

Back to top


​​Hahn, M. 7-20-16

Hahn, M. 5-1-14

Hall, D. 5-11-81

Hallandale Pharmacy 12-11-2019

Halpern, R. 2-17-99

Halpern, R. 3-12-09

Hamilton, C. 6-24-11

Hamilton, C. 6-5-12

Harford Pharmacy 6-5-2020

Harford Pharmacy 7-31-2018

Harford Road Pharmacy 1-29-2018

Harmon-Weaver, L. 3-18-15

Harris Teeter Pharmacy 270 11-27-2019

Harris Teeter Pharmacy 323 10-29-2019

Harris Teeter Pharmacy 403 1-9-2018

Harris Teeter Pharmacy 409 7-19-2017

Harrison Healthcare 7-19-2022

Hart-Lawson, T. 12-16-2009

Hart-Lawson, T. 8-28-2005

Hayek, P 12-21-2022

Hayford, R. 10-21-98

Haynes, J. 8-19-13

Health Rite Pharmacy and Medical Supply 7-24-2019

Health Rite Pharmacy 11-9-15

HealthSouth Chesapeake Rehab Hospital Center 5-30-12

Heartland Pharmacy 6-21-22

Heck W 7-2-2024.pdf

Heck, W. 5-18-2022

Heck, W. 3-11-2021

Heck, W. 8-14-2020

Hendricks, C. 2-19-2020

Henry, G. 10-4-2018

Henry Ford Pharmacy Advantage Southfield 12-11-2019

Herlich, S. 4-23-1992

Herlich, S. 6-14-95

Hickory Plaza 4-7-05

Higgs, D. 8-31-09

Higgs, D. 10-20-10

Higgs, D. 5-28-2019

High Street Discount Pharmacy 3-13-2024.pdf

Hightower, L. 7-20-16

Hightower, L. 3-16-15

Hudgins B 10-16-2024.pdf

Hill Top Pharmac y LLC 12-9-2024.pdf

Hiller, R. 5-15-2019

Hiller, R. 10-12-2018

Hiotis, M. 2-27-95

Hiotis, M. 9-16-93

Hoffman, E. 5-15-13

Hoelscher, J. 7-16-2008

Hoelscher, J. 11-09-01

Hoelscher, J. 4-27-01

Hoelscher, J. 4-30-96

Hoelscher, J. 5-16-01

Hoelscher, J. 5-9-97

Hoelscher, J. 6-30-95

Hoelscher, J. 9-01-04

Hoelscher, J. 9-19-97

Holland A. 9-15-2021

Holland, A. 5-6-2020

Holmes, D. 1-28-14

Holston, C. 11-30-05

Holston, C. 1-14-04

Holston, C. 12-10-93

Holston, C. 12-3-07

Holston, C. 4-23-10

Holston, C. 12-15-10

Holt S 3-4-2024.pdf

Adebanjo, A. and Hope 4 All Pharmacy 4-14-14

Hope For All Pharmacy 5-17-2017

Hope For All Pharmacy and Stores, Inc 1-21-2010

Hopkinton Drug 2-4-16

Howard, S. 1-15-2020

Howard, S. 10-23-2019

Howard, C. 1-30-04

Hremt Pharmacy 3-11-2003

Hremt Pharmacy 3-24-03

Hremt Pharmacy 5-14-03

Hudgins B. 1-17-2024.pdf

Hughes, T. 8-21-2019

Hughes, T. 12-17-14

Hulko, K. 2-14-96

Hulko, K. 3-12-10

Hulko, K. 7-22-87

Hulko, K. 12-15-10

Hussain, M. 6-3-14

Hussain, M. 6-11-98

Hussain, M. 9-20-99

Hussain, M. 3-28-12

Hussain, Y. 10-6-95

Hussain, Y. 8-17-94

Hwang, T. 3-9-2020

Back to top


​​Ibex Dead Sea Imports 4-4-2018

Ibex Dead Sea Imports 7-7-2015

Iglesias V. 1-17-24.pdf

Ileka, J. 2-27-12

Ilori, O. 9-26-2019

Independent Pharmacy Cooperative 5-30-2019

Ingram, T. 8-24-2018

Ingram, T. 6-19-2019

Institutional Pharmacy 12-8-11

Ippolito, V. 4-13-2023

Ireland, L. 10-20-10

Iseminger D 12-6-2023.pdf

Isenstein, W. 2-28-2011

Isenstein, W. 4-15-09

Isenstein, W. 4-19-12

Iwanczuk, E. 9-14-2018

Izeen Pharma Inc. 9-18-2019

Back to top


​​Jackson, B. 11-6-07

Jackson, B. 7-16-08

Jackson, M. 1-2-2018

Jackson, M. 5-20-15

Jackson, R. 11-25-08

Jackson, S. 5-14-2018

JAI Pharmacy  (New Name JNK Pharmacy)  12-5-22

Jessup Care Pharmacy 9-17-2020

Jessup Care Pharmacy 11-9-2018

Jessup N 2-23-2021

Jessup, N. 1-15-2019

Ji, A. 7-7-2020

Joe, K. 10-19-11

Joe, K. 06-18-14

Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center 5-24-12

Johns Hopkins Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit 5-24-12

Johns Hopkins Medical Services 10-29-09

Johns Hopkins Pharmaquip 9-21-05

Johnson, A. 9-21-16

Johnson, A. 2-17-99

Johnson, A. 3-18-14

Johnson, C. 6-13-2023

Johnson, J. 3-18-98

Johnson, M. 9-12-01

Johnson N 9-23-2024.pdf

Johnson, N 4-13-2022

Johnson, N 12-17-2021

Johnson, S. 5-18-11

Johnson, T. 8-17-12

Johnson, T. 7-28-15

Jones, L. 3-23-2023

Jones, M. 8-16-17

Jones, M.K. 3-18-2016

Jones, S. 3-5-2020

Jones, S. 9-27-2019

Joines, M. 1-21-97

Joines, M. 8-2-95

JP Medical Supply, Inc 12-11-13

Juta, R. 03-26-08

Juta, R. 5-20-09

Juta, R. 9-21-11

Back to top


Kachur, A. 10-28-2019

Kaiser Permanente Silver Spring Pharmacy 10-28-2019

Kalidini, A. 12-12-2018

Kamara, K. 9-16-2020

Kamara, K. 4-17-2020

Kanas, A. 8-13-96

Karnbach, P. 6-19-2020

Karnbach, P. 5-15-2019

Kasaitis, E. 10-27-98

Kasaitis, E. 8-19-98

Kay Cee Drugs 4-18-01

K-C Pharmacy Depot dba Chesapake Bay Pharmacy 5-19-2020

Kent, E. 8-20-2019

Kern, H. 10-24-96

Kern, H. 10-28-93

Kessler, J. 3-20-06

Kessler, J. 9-12-01

Key Compounding Pharmacy 2-3-2020

Kim, E. 2-22-2018

King, R. 10-2-2018

Kirby, B. 1-10-85

Klebrowski, S. 11-6-07

Klebrowski, S. 2-6-08

Klebrowski, S. 8-24-98

Klebrowski, S. 9-11-12

Klebrowski, S. 10-22-13

Kleins ShopRite 547 09.14.2023.pdf

Klein's Shoprite Pharmacy 545 4-9-2018

Kleins Shoprite Pharmacy 555 10-9-2018

Klingenstein, K. 1-16-97

Klug, S. 2-15-2018

Kmart Pharmacy 7673 12-24-2018

KMS Medical and Surgical Supply, LLC 1-31-24.pdf

Knight, V. 2-2-16

Knight, V. 11-20-2017

Koch, R. 12-18-13

Kochhar, J. 11-15-00

Kolbe, G. 10-18-2017

Komolafe, H. 4-15-2019

Kosinski, A. 11-20-13

Kotzin, D. 10-16-06

Kotzin, D. 8-21-06

Kreysa, M. 11-9-15

Kreysa, M. 4-4-2018

Kruk, K. 11-28-12

Kruk, K. 3-25-14

Kruk, K. 2-18-15

Kumar, J. 4-8-09

Kurup, J. 12-19-11

Kurup, J. 10-15-18

Kwateng O 12-9-2024.pdf

Kyle, J. 12-05-03

Kyle, J. 7-16-08

Kyle, J. 8-07-03

Back to top


​​​L​achowicz, B. 11-18-87

Lachowicz, P. 10-22-2019

Lalchan D 2-3-2025.pdf

Lalchan, D. 8-21-2020

Lamontagne, R. 10-19-16

Landis-Grimm, M. 4-20-11

Landis-Grimm, M. 6-5-12

Lauder, Jr., G. 8-13-2019

Laurel Park Pharmacy 10-6-95

Lawal A 1-21-2025.pdf

Lawal, A 1-17-24.pdf

Lawson Inc, The Medicine Shoppe 8-28-05

Lawson, A. 12-11-85

Lawson, A. 5-4-82

Lawson, A. 7-01-87

Lawson, T. 8-28-05

Lee, D. 06-05-09

Lee, D. 10-20-2010

Lee, D. 03-20-13

Lee ltr of Surrender

Lee Medical International, Inc. 6-12-14

Leonard A 11-2-2020

Lesser, G. 8-3-83

Lesser, G. 9-9-85

Leung, F. 11-8-04

Leung, F. 3-29-05

Leung, F. 5-1-06

Leung, F. 7-30-08

Levin, A. 6-08-81

Levin S. 11-8-2019

Lewis, J. 2-18-98

Lewis, J. 6-16-99

Lewis, L. 6-17-15

Lewis, L. 6-13-14

Lewis, X. 5-23-2018

Lewis, X. 3-15-2018

Li, K. 10-4-2019

Liberty Pharmacy LLC 8-8-2024.pdf

Lightner, T. 9-22-09

Lightner, T. 11-17-10

Lilliston, T. 7-15-11

Lima, D. 10-17-2018

Lima, D. 7-17-17

Little Acorn Pharmacy 9-15-2017

Livers, B. 8-21-13

Livers, B. 6-28-12

Lockwood Pharmacy 6-17-22.pdf

Loftus, J. 10-10-84

Loftus, J. 4-23-96

Loukas, N 9-21-22

Lubic, D. 10-21-15

Lubic, D. 4-24-14

Luke, C 8-31-2022

Luke, C. 2-17-10

Luke, C. 2-27-12

Luong, M 6-21-2022

Lupin Pharmaceuticals, 2-18-15

Luria, B. 6-15-94

Luria, B. 8-19-96

Lusby Pharmacy 9-15-2022

Lutherville Hematology Oncology Services, LLC 1-19-2018

Lykos Pharmacy 11-29-2018

Lynch, K. 11-02-05

Lynch, K. 5-20-09

Back to top


​​​Mackley, D. 2-7-12

Marley Drug Inc. 6-28-2017

Martin, R. 6-15-2018

Martinez, G 1-5-2024​

Martinez, J. 12-1-2021

Martinez, J. 10-16-2019

Martinez G 12-18-2024.pdf

Martino, T. 10-21-15

Martino, T. 4-7-14

Marshall-Adams, T. 2-20-13

Matheson Tri-Gas Inc 5-1-2024.pdf

Matthews, S. 9.23.10

Matthews, S. 6-21-10

Matthews, K. 6-14-2019

Matthews, K. 8-30-2023

Mattu, M. 9-19-2018

Mauck, D. 10-16-91

Mauck, D. 4-29-94

Mbachu, C. 6-7-2019

Mbachu, C. 4-6-2021

McCall, J., Jr. 8-21-2020

McCall, J., Jr. 6-1-2017

McCall, J., Jr. 6-26-15

McCall, J.,Jr. 3-18-15

McClendon, P. 8-21-13

McClendon, P. 10-19-11

McCorkle, J. 10-14-16

McCorkle, J. 4-18-2018

McCormick, W. 5-13-81

McCormick, W. 7-11-84

McCullough, K. 7-15-2009

McCullough, K. 6-26-06

McCullough, K. 7-17-02

McDougalls Drug Center 6-27-2023.pdf

McGowan, S. 7-16-2019

McKenny M. 9-13-2021

McKesson Corporation 3-20-2018

McKesson Corporation 3-23-15

McKesson Corporation 8-20-14

McKesson Drug Company 12-8-09

McKinney, M. 10-25-16

McKinney, M. 1-26-11

McLaughlin, A. 10-30-01

McLaughlin, A. 3-19-04

McLaughlin, A. 5-21-2007

McLaughlin, J. 11-16-16

McLaughlin, J. 6-24-15

McLaughlin, J. 8-13-15

McLeod, C. 3-3-17

McManus, J. 5-11-94

McMichael, L. 3-18-15

McMichael, L. 7-23-14

McTaggart, D. 8-15-12

McTaggart, D. 12-12-12

McTaggart, D. 12-21-12

McTaggart, D. 3-22-13

McTaggart, D. 7-20-15

Med Prep Consulting 7-17-13

Medaus Pharmacy 10-11-16

Medical Pharmacy of Chevy Chase 4-26-06

Medical Pharmacy of Chevy Chase 8-15-01

Medicap Pharmacy 5-14-97

Med Pro Distributors, LLC 3-9-16

Medicine Shoppe 10-16-06

Medicine Shoppe 23 11-20-02

Medicine Shoppe 1183 7-14-09

Medicine Shoppe 1521 11-20-02

Medicine Shoppe 1521 8-20-08

Medicine Shoppe 634 11-20-02

Medicine Shoppe 634 8-21-08

Medisca 12-23-2015

Medisca, Inc. 9-13-13

Meditech Laboratories, Inc. 7-26-17

Med Pro Distributors, LLC 10-2-14

Medmerica Pharmacy 6-6-2017

Medsburg Pharmacy 9-23-2019

Medsurg Pharmacy 9-24-2020

Mehrabiansani, M. 3-9-2020

Melton, C. 6-6-2018

Melwood Pharmacy 4-21-99

Melwood Pharmacy 8-16-99

Memphis, C. 3-20-91

Mercantile Pharmacy 11-20-2024.pdf

Mercy Medical Center Pharmacy 8-25-2023.pdf

Merritt Star Pharmacy 9-9-2019

Michaud, T. 6-19-2019

Midas Rx Pharmacy 11-3-2023

Mid Atlantic Medical Supply Co. 7-20-12

Miden, J. 11-19-94

Miden, J. 9-21-94

MidSouth Medical Specialties LLC dba Super Drugs III 4-16-2021

Midtown Pharmaceuticals LLC 11-9-2023

Midwest Veterinary Supply, Inc 9-1-2022​​

Midwest Veterinary Supply 10-28-15

Milford Street Pharmacy 2-16-2017

Millennium Pharmacy 5-14-12

Miller, C. 8-15-01

Miller, C. 9-21-04

Miller, L. 6-5-09

Miller, L. 4-5-11

Mingocare Pharmacy 8-27-2018

Modzelewski, L. 3-3-97

Modzelewski, L. 9-17-97

Molina, B. 7-24-2017

Molter, M. 9-19-12

Monaghan Medical Corporation 11-24-2021

Montague III, E. 9-3-2019

Montague III, E. 12-18-2019

Montague III, E. 7-10-2019

Moore, B. 1-21-15

Moore, B. 8-2-2013

Moore, J  7-13-2023

Moore, K. 12-21-2018

Moore, N. 2-26-10

Moore, N. 10-20-10

Moran, E. 7-19-12

Morawski, P. 4-20-83

Morawski, P. 7-26-94

Morfe, A. 8-19-15

Morfe, A. 3-18-14

Morrow, J. 2-21-13

Morrow, J. 10-22-12

Mortar & Pestle 12-15-97

Mosaddegh, S. 7-21-17

Mosaaddegh. S. 4-20-11

Mosaaddegh, S. 6-26-12

Mosaddegh, S. 2-24-2016

Mumuney, G. 10-2-2013

Mumuney, G. 7-18-12

Murphy, J. 9-6-13

Musgrove, B. 11-27-2018

Musgrove, B. 12-7-2009

Muth, T. 6-30-94

Myatt, B. 2-26-2018

Back to top


​​​Naeem M 8-21-2024.pdf

Neb Doctors of Maryland 1-17-17

Neb24 11-14-12

Neb24 11-28-11

Nelcha Pharmacy 7-20-2016

Nelcha Pharmacy 11-25-14

Nesseem, A. 9-13-13

Neuberger, E. 9-17-2018

New England Compounding Center, 10-5-2012

New England Compounding Center, 11-27-2012

Newcare Home Health Services 1-05-07

Newton, J. 10-7-09

Newton, J. 1-21-98

Newton, J. 5-14-07

Newton, J. 6-23-99

Newton, J. 7-21-10

Nguyen, A. 7-28-2023

Nguyen, A 6-21-2022

Nguyen, D. 11-21-18

Nguyen D. 6-11-2021

Nguyen, D. 9-26-2023​​

Nguyen, T. 1-29-97

Ngwa, D. 9-7-2018

Nichols, K. 6-19-2019

Nichols, K. 2-16-2017

Ning, S. 9-1-00

Northern Pharmacy at Overlea 9-30-2019

Northern Pharmacy at Overlea 5-7-2018

Northgate Pharmacy 4-13-2023

Northwest Hospital Center Pharmacy 12-20-2024.pdf

Novant Health Pharmacy 5-31-2019

Nowak, V. 12-20-2006

Nowak, V. 10-16-02

Nowak, V. 12-15-04

Nowak, V. 12-3-03

Nti X. 7-7-2020

NUO Therapeutics, 10-19-22​​

Nwaehiri, C. 1-05-07

Nwaehiri, C. 11-08-06

Nwaehiri, C. 4-14-10

Nwaneri, C. 11-13-96

Nwaneri, C. 5-17-95

Nwoga S. 8-11-2021

Nwoga, S. 6-15-2016

Nwoko, E. 10-26-2018

Nwoko, E. 12-1-2017

Nwoko, E. 11-7-2017

Nwoko, E. 10-1-2019

Nwosu, D. 2-18-98

Back to top


​​​​Obi O 8-16-2023.pdf

Obidike, C. 9-21-2016

Obidike, C. 3-7-08

Obidike, C. 9-21-11

Obidike, C. 1.29.13

Obidike, C. 7-18-14​​

Ojewoye, P. 7-16-08

Ojewoye, P. 9-15-11

Ojewoye, P. 9-26-14

Ojifinni, T 9-15-2022

OK Compounding 10-21-15

Okafor, S. 9-3-2019

Okang, E. 9-23-2019

Okei, A. 2-15-2023

Okotcha C 2-26-24.pdf

Okotcha, C. 3-2-2020

Okwara, M. 6-11-98

Ola, A. 10-18-16

Ola, A. 2-26-10

Ola, A. 7-7-10

Oladejo O. 1-12-2021

Oladejo, O   7-3-2023

Oladapo, O. 10-21-2019

Old Towne Pharmacy 6-23-2020

Olney Professional Pharmacy 5-6-2016

Olson, D. 12-15-99

Omnicare of Annapolis Junction 4-3-2017

O'Neal, J. 6-19-2018

Onalaja A 11-20-2024.pdf

Onalaja, A   6-21-2023

Onobobi, F. 10-5-15

Onobobi, F. 2-9-16

Onobobi, F. 4-4-2018

Onwuanaibe, L. 3-2-2020

O'Rourke W 6-21-2024.pdf

Osei, C 08.09.2024.pdf

O'Sullivan, H. 2-21-2018

O'Sullivan, H. 7-19-17

Oshodi, E. 05-01-07

Oshodi, E. 7-13-06

Ossareh, P. 6-15-2016

Ossareh, P. 8-15-2018

Ouellette M 5-29-2024.pdf

Ouellette, M. 1-10-2023

Overbeck, S. 9-19-2019

Overbeck, S. 3-12-2019

Overbeck S. 1-5-2021

Back to top


​​​​Pachino, M. 5-10-96

Pacifico National, Inc. dba Amex Pharmacy 3-4-2020

Pacifico National, Inc. dba Amex Pharmacy 5-26-2018

Pacifico National, Inc dba Amex Pharmacy 9-6-17

Paige, M. 1-21-15

Paige, M. 7-29-13

Pak, J. 9-21-06

Pak, J. 2-16-2005

Pak, J. 4-07-05

Pak, J. 9-17-2008

Palakurthi, S. 5-17-17

Palm, T. 4-24-14

Pandya, P. 9-17-2019

Pandya, P. 8-11-2023

Papermill Pharmacy and Gift Shop 12-7-2016

Park Compounding 2-23-2021

Park S.pdf

Park S 12-9-2024.pdf

Park, S. 10-19-16

Park, S. 2-18-2020

Park, S. 7-16-14

Park, S. 10-20-2023

Parkland Pharmacy 9-27-2024.pdf

Parkland Pharmacy 2-10-23

Parker, R.Jr. 9-6-13

Parker, R.Jr. 6-17-14

Parsons J 8-21-2024.pdf

Parsons, J. 4-10-23

Partyka, M. 8-20-14

Pasadena Pharmacy 2-25-2020

Pasadena Pharmacy 2-4-2016

Paschall, M. 11-30-15

Paschall, M. 2-2-16

Patel, D. 5-18-2016

Patel, D. 8-12-13

Patel, D. 5-18-2016

Patel, J. 11-18-15

Patel, K. 5-22-2020

Patel, K. 7-14-09

Patel, K. 3-16-11

Patel, K. 7-16-2019

Patel, S. 9-6-16

Patel, S. 11-30-12

Patel, S. 11-2-09

Patel V 1-25-24.pdf

Patel, V. 10-21-15

Patient Care Pharmacy 1-25-24.pdf

Peaco, D. 3-3-17

Peaco, D. 12-2-11

Pellittieri, K. 9-27-2018

Penn C. 9-15-2021

Penn, C. 5-6-2020

Penn Veterinary Supply, Inc. 6-12-13

Penzenstadler J 2-26-2024.pdf

Penzenstadler, J 1-17-2023

Peoples Care Pharmacy 6-21-2021

Peoples Care Pharmacy 8-15-2018

Peoples Community Pharmacy 3-20-2017

Perkins, A. 2-26-04

Perkins, H. 2-28-90

Perkins, H. 7-19-91

Perry, P. 10-21-81

Perry, P. 12-27-82

Perry, S. 5-16-2018

Peterson, L. 6-18-03

Pham, D. 10-20-21

Pham, D. 3-4-2021

Pharmacare of Cumberland 8-15-2017

Pharmacare West 8-2-2019

Pharmaceutical Services of America 7-2-2024.pdf

Pharmaceutical Services of America 5-3-2021

Pharmacy at Belvedere Square 9-1-2022

Pharmacia at Mt. Washington Mill 10-25-2017

Pharmacia at Mt. Washington Mill 8-28-2015

Pharmacia at Mt Washington Mill 10-31-2018​​

The Pharmacy at PJ Bean 8-19-2019

Pharmacy 4 Less 12-27-2017

Pharmacy Solutions Inc. 10-2-2020

PharMEDium Services LLC 8-1-2019

Phillips, L. 4-18-2018

Phillips, K. 10-3-14

Phillips, L. 9-20-16

Phillips, N. 6-26-12

Pierce, D. 7-27-93

Pierre Fabre Pharmaceuticals 9-17-2018

Pindell, C. 12-19-2018

Pindell, C. 8-28-2018

Pingili, R. 11-16-2018

Pinkney, Shaneek 7-18-2018

Pinkney, S. 11-30-2017

Pinkney, Shaneek 10-12-2017

Pinkney, S. 03-23-17

Pleasantville Apothecary 6-7-96

Plummer A 7-26-2023.pdf

Polito, S. 6-23-10

Polito, S. 4-5-11

Polm, J. 10-15-21

Polm, J. 1-5-2023​​​

Poplar Grove Pharmacy 08-11-2021​

Poplar Grove Pharmacy 5-27-2020

Poplar Grove Pharmacy 2-21-2018

Poplar Grove Pharmacy 6-15-2016

Potomac Valley 11-15-2023.pdf

Potomac Care Pharmacy Inc 10-18-2019

Potomac Valley Pharmacy 11-15-2023.pdf

Powell, R. 12-13-2017

Powers-Harvey, K. 10-18-2017

Powers, Harvey 6-15-16

Pranjivan J 5-3-2024.pdf

Precision Pharmacy 4-19-2017

Precision Pharmacy 11-8-15

Presley, C. 1-25-2019

Price, C. 1-15-2020

Price, C. 8-13-18

Price, P. 2.22.13

Price, P. 9-20-10

Price, P. 1-23-09

Price, P. 3-2-10

Priority Healthcare, LLC 9-19-12

Priority Healthcare, LLC 10-10-11

Proctor, W. 1-04-06

Proctor, W. 4-21-04

Professional Arts Pharmacy 6-1-17

Professional Care Pharmacy 9-11-2017

Back to top


​​​​Queen, S. 11-16-15

Qualgen 10-22-2024.pdf

Qualgen LLC, 6-11-2018

Quality Care Pharmacy 7-7-2017

Quality Care Pharmacy 8-09-12

Qureshi, N. 2-1-96

Qureshi, O. 5-21-12

Back to top


​​​​Rahman, S. 5-22-95

Rami, S. 10-19-16

Rami, S. 02-19-14

Ramierez, W. 12-5-2019

Ramirez, W. 2-21-2019

Ramirez W. 3-26-2021

Rapkin, H. 2-6-09

Rash, V. 10-21-15

Rash, V 12-30-14

Reed, K. 6-19-13

Rehya Health Specifics Inc. 5-28-2023.pdf

Reed, K. 2-28-13

Reid, A 11-20-13

Remedi Senior Care 9-20-13

Remedi Senior Care 6-22-11

Rennie, K. 8-21-2020

Rennie, K. 5-20-2019

Ricci, B. 3-17-2020

Ricci, B. 8-16-2018

Richard, J. 1-15-14

Richard, J. 7-11-13

Richardson, D. 6-23-14

Richardson, S. 11-27-2017

Richardson, S. 6-19-2019

Richardson, S. 9-27-2017

Rickerfor, A. 12-19-96

Riden, B. 8-21-13

Riden, B. 8-20-14

Ridgely Pharmacy, 3-27-23

Riley, D. 9-6-13

Riley, F. 1-24-2006

Riley, J. 10-31-01

Riley, J. 10-31-03

Riley, J. 12-17-03

Riley, J. 12-27-04

Riley, J. 2-21-01

Riley, J. 4-17-85

Riley, J. 5-7-98

Riley, J. 6-23-99

Riley, J. 6-9-00

Riley, J. 8-19-98

Rite Aid Pharmacy 104 9-27-2016

Rite Aid 347 and 2207 10-17-01

Rite Aid Pharmacy 3751 3-27-2023.pdf

Rite Aid Pharmacy 3837 9-9-2024.pdf

Rite Aid Pharmacy 3837 3-28-2024.pdf

Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy #386 5-18-2016

Rite Aid Pharmacy 390 7-31-2018

Rite Aid 397 10-17-01

Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy 1721 6-15-2016

Rite Aid Pharmacy 1859 4-4-2017

Rite Aid #4810 6-16-2022​​​​​

Rite Aid Pharmacy 4250 10-11-2017

Rite Aid Pharmacy 3751 3-28-2024.pdf

Rite Aid Pharmacy 3782 1-17-2017

Rite Aid Pharmacy 4254 6-24-09

Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy 4665 6-15-2016

Rite Aid Pharmacy 7840 4-9-2018

River Rx Pharmacy 1-10-13

Riverside Pharmacy 2-16-2017

Riverview Pharmarcy and Surgicals 5-8-2024.pdf

Robinette, T. 7-16-03

Robinette, T. 9-20-2006

Robinson, A. 6-11-2018

Robinson IV, D. 6-19-2019

Robinson IV, D. 5-31-2018

Robinson D. 7-13-2021

Robinson, D. 8-7-17

Robinson, E. 3-22-16

Robinson, F. 9-5-2018

Robinson, F. 4-19-06

Robinson, F. 6-30-05

Robinson M. 10-14-2022

Rodkey, J. 10-23-02

Rodkey, J. 12-30-02

Rodkey, J. 9-15-04

Roe, H. 4-6-10

Roe, Holley 10-20-2010

Roles, A. 7-20-16

Roles, A. 3-16-15

Rombro, D. 10-17-90

Rombro, M. 1-30-02

Rombro, M. 5-19-99

Rosentiel, G. 3-17-93

Rossmark, Robyn 7-20-2022

Ross, M. 4-20-2022​​

Ross, M. 7-23-2020

Roth, C. 2-2-98

Roth, C. 8-20-97

Rosebrough, T. 3-30-15

Rosebrough, T 1-20-15

Rosebrough, T. 10-1-2013

Rowland, J. 8-18-2021

Rowland, J. 10-9-2018

Rubio, Mayra 3-1-2023_Redacted

Russo, C 10-20-2020

Russo, D. 12-22-10

Russo, D. 2-23-11

Russo, D. 3-19-14

Russo's Pharmacy 2-23-2011

Rx3 Compounding Pharmacy. 02-19-14

Rx Pro Pharmacy & Compounding 4-20-2016

Back to top


​​​​Safe Chain Solutions Inc 12-11-2024.pdf

Safe Chain Solutions 5-28-19

Safeway Pharmacy 1459 12-1-2020

Safeway Pharmacy 1678 6-13-2023.pdf

Safeway Pharmacy 1731 6-26-2017

Safeway Pharmacy 1938 8-3-22

Safeway Pharmacy 4872 4-16-2018

Safeway Pharmacy 4872 10-11-2018

Safeway Pharmacy 2794 10-17-2019

Safeway Pharmacy 1369 10-17-2019

Sagi, G. 11-20-13

Sagi, G. 1-25-12

Saller, S. 2-1-94

Saller, S. 4-23-96

Sam's Pharmacy 106652 2-22-2018

Sando, R. 9-1-04

Sando, R. 10-18-2006

Saunders, B. 2-21-2018

Saunders, B. 7-17-17

Sav-Rx Pharmacy 7-12-17

Sawwan, A. 9-19-96

Scanlon, V. 11-20-2020

Scanlon, V. 4-24-2020

Schlieper, D. 10-13-09

Schlieper, D. 11-19-08

Schlieper, D. 6-25-09

Schlieper D 4-13-11

Schlosberg, J. 2-22-07

Schlosberg, J. 4-4-08

Schlosberg, J. 8-16-00

Schlosberg, J. 8-18-99

Schlosberg, J. 9-21-05

Schlosberg, J. 03-16-2022

Schnupp, T. 7-9-12

Schultz, L. 10-16-85

Schultz, L. 3-21-84

Schwenninger J 12-18-2024.pdf

Schwenninger J 1-5-2024.pdf

Scriber, M. 11-21-2018

Scriber, M. 10-27-16

Seifu, M. 3-16-94

Seifu, M. 9-30-94

Seo, A. 2-12-2018

Sephes, A. 10-24-2016

Seraka G. 1-8-2021

Seremet, F. 9-27-2019

Settle, L. 2-24-14

Shafer, G. 11-19-14

Shah, P.V. 8-19-2019

Shan, V. 9-29-15

Shan, V. 2-12-13

Shanholtz S 6-26-2024.pdf

Shanholtz, S. 11-29-2023

Shermak, P. 9-16-92

Shaw, J. 1-16-19

Shaw, J. 5-29-2018

Shayona Pharmacy 11-13-2018

Shayona Pharmacy 5-18-2016

Shayona Pharmacy 8-12-13

Sheedy K. 10-13-2020

Shelton, P 1-16-2019

Shelton, P. 11-22-16

Shephard, T 06-06-2018

Shephard, T. 12-28-16

Sherman, M 8-18-2021

Sherman, M. 9-9-2019

Shern, T. 3-15-05

Shern, T. 3-19-03

Shern, T. 6-20-2007

Sherr, J. 1-13-10

Sherr, J. 7-15-10

Sherr, J. 7-16-13

Shird, T. 4-18-2018

Shird, T. 5-12-2016

Shrader, S. 10-17-2019

Silberg, H. 11-16-77

Silen, I. 10-2-14

Silen. I. 7-20-11

Silver Spring Professional Pharmacy 1-14-85

Silverman, S. 2-28-86

Silverman, S. 6-24-84

Silverman, S. 6-29-84

Simon, A 2-19-2020

Sinai Hospital Pharmacy 2-21-2024.pdf

Sinai Hospital 2-21-2024.pdf

Singal, S. 1-11-02

Sinu Rx. 5-11-10

Sinu Refuah Pharmacy 9-11-2018

Sinu Refuah Pharmacy 7-10-2017

Skarbelis, M. 2-2-11

Skarbelis, M. 5-22-08

Skarbelis, M. 8-24-07

Sloan, C. 6-12-91

Sloane, B. 1-18-89

Sloane, B. 7-22-94

Smith, B. 8-25-16

Smith, B. 8-15-2018

Smith, C. 9-20-00

Smith, D. 8-19-2019

Smith, D. 11-20-2017

Smith, E. 3-22-16

Smith, J. 8-19-16

Smith, J. 11-9-15

Smith, J. 1-15-16

Smith, J.E. 4-24-2020

Smith, Jasmine 2-15-2017

Smith, Jennifer 6-19-2019

Smith, Jennifer 11-22-2016

Smith, K 7-17-13

Smith, Kristen 4-2-13

Smith, O. 1-27-88

Snider, T. 3-15-00

Sobota, K. 11-1-07

Sobota, K. 6-27-05

Sobota, K. 9-6-06

Sodipo, S. 1-05-07

Sodipo, S. 11-08-06

Sodipo, S. 4-14-10

Solanke, Y. 6-14-89

Solanke, Y. 8-6-1991

Soleil Pharmacy, 2-13-2023

Southern Maryland Compounding Center 5-29-2019

Southern Maryland Hospital Pharmacy 11-15-11

Specialty Rx LLC 10-15-2020

Specialty Rx LLC 10-15-2019

Spencer, L. 2-21-01

Sponaugle, J. 3-1-11

St. Agnes Hospital 11-25-22

St. Agnes Hospital Cancer Institute Pharmacy 11-16-16

St. Agnes Hospital Cancer Institute Pharmacy 2-21-18

St. Agnes Hospital Pharmacy 11-16-16

St. Agnes Hospital Pharmacy 2-21-18

St. Joseph's Hospital Pharmacy 12-1-10

St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital Pharmacy 8-8-2024.pdf

St. Mary's Medical Park Pharmacy

State Pharmacy 11-19-08

Staten K 7-7-2023.pdf

Stockton, J. 7-16-96

Stockton, J. 9-12-01

Strauder, K. 11-5-14

Strauss, R. 1-16-97

Street, L. 10-1-2013

Street, L. 8-20-14

Stroheckers Pharmacy 8-1-2016

Stewart, R. 7-18-12

Suber, E. 12-21-94

Suber, E. 6-7-93

Subero, K. 7-5-2016

Subero, K 11-20-13

Sugarman, H. 6-10-81

Suggs, T. 5-19-2020

Sullivan, J 7-20-2022

Sunrise Pharmacy 3-11-11

Superior Lane Pharmacy 7-19-17

Swartz. J. 2-15-12

Back to top


Tang K 2-13-2025.pdf

Tang. K. 9-27-2023​​​​​

Taghvaei, S. 11-5-2019

Tailor Made Compounding 11-13-2017

Tang K 1-11-2024.pdf

Tang K 1-11-2024.pdf

Taukulis, R. 11-29-93

Taukulis, R. 1-16-97

Taukulis, R. 7-7-94

Taylor Jr. M 9-12-2023.pdf

Taylor, J. 5-30-14

Taylor, J. 9-16-13

Taylor, R. 7-12-2018

Taylor, R. 9-2-16

Tefera, B. 9-21-2020

Terefe, M. 4-17-13

Terry, T. 9-28-15

Terry, T. 10-6-15

Thomas, B. 11-23-83

Thomas, B. 4-17-85

Thompson, K. 12-19-2018

Thompson, R. 4-22-98

Thornton-Dorsey, L. 5-1-17

Thomas Johnson Pharmacy 9-24-2015

Thomas Johnson Pharmacy 8-26-13

Thrive Pharmacy 6-16-2017

Tidewater Drug & Healthcare 3-5-2024.pdf

Tidewater Drug and Health Care 1-17-2023

Timberlake, B. 11-29-2018

Time Organization 11-18-15

TJ's Pharmacy ​03-10-2023

Towers Pharmacy 10-9-90

Towers, E. 4-28-94

Towers, E. 10-9-90

Towers, E. 4-17-91

Towers, E. 4-3-92

Towne Pharmacy 8-21-13

Townsend, R. 11-27-04

Towsend, R. 10-1-99

Towsend, R. 3-4-99.

Towson Pharmacy 5-19-99

Treharne, T. 8-1-2016

Tri Towns Pharmacy 4-19-2023

Truby, D. 5-19-10

Turkson, S. 11-16-2018

TW Wellness Compounding Pharmacy 2-21-2019

Twenty - Four Hour Dependable Medical Supplies 1-21-15

Tymiuk, W. 12-28-95

Tyner, M. 4-21-93

Tynes, K. 3-20-2019

Tynes, K. 6-22-2018


​​​​Uche, H. 12-2-04

Ullman, D. 2-12-01

Ullman, D. 9-18-99

Union Hospital of Cecil County Pharmacy 1-29-24.pdf

UPM Pharmaceuticals inc 12-28-2016

Urbana Pharmarcy 5-31-2024.pdf

Utturkar, R. 2-19-2019

Uwalaka, H. 4-21-2020

Back to top


​​​​Vaccari, M. 1-30-14

Vaccari, M. 7-18-14

Vaccari, M. 1-26-15

Vaccari, M. 8-2-2017

Vaccari, M. 5-22-2020

Van Wie, J. 2-21-2018

Van Wie, W. 2-21-2018

Vandi, A. 3-12-2020

The Village Pharmacy 3-16-2020

Village Pharmacists 3-4-13

Villalobos, P. 3-22-2018

Villalobos, P. 6-19-2019

Visicu-Sharpe M 5-17-2024.pdf

Visicu Inc 5-17-2024.pdf

Vittoriano, G. 12-4-13

Vittoriano, G. 9-6-13

Vittoriano, G. 9-28-15

Vittoriano, G. 6-12-2018

Vortech Pharmaceuticals 6-19-2013

Voshells Pharmacy 9-6-2018

Voshells Pharmacy  12-16-2022

Back to top


​​Walgreens Pharmacy 11140 8-28-2023.pdf

Walgreens Pharmacy 11283 2-20-2024.pdf

Walgreens Pharmacy 12847 2-20-2024.pdf

Walgreens Pharmacy 13893 10-25-2024.pdf

Walgreens Pharmacy 13816 9-12-2023.pdf

Walgreens Pharmacy 17610 6-29-2023.pdf

Walgreens Pharmacy 17638 3-5-2024.pdf

Walgreens Pharmacy 18255 2-20-2024.pdf

Walgreens Pharmacy 19141 2-20-2024.pdf

Walgreens Pharmacy 19212 2-20-2024.pdf

Walgreens Pharmacy 19843 2-20-2024.pdf

​​Walgreens Pharmacy 2446 12-20-2019

Walgreens Pharmacy 2446 9-25-2020

Walgreens Pharmacy 5331 9-25-2020

Walgreens Pharmacy 5331 1-15-2020

Walgreens Pharmacy 5408 8-18-2020​

Walgreens Pharmacy 5409 10-17-2019

Walgreens Pharmacy 5409 02-25-2025.pdf

Walgreens Pharmacy 5686 1-13-2020

Walgreens Pharmacy 5587 8-23-2019

Walgreens Pharmacy 6007 8-23-2019

Walgreens Pharmacy 6265 9-6-2019

Walgreens Pharmacy 6265 9-25-2020

Walgreens Pharmacy 6320 10-13-2017

Walgreens Pharmacy 6320 2-21-2020

Walgreens Pharmacy 6366 10-7-2016

Walgreens Pharmacy 6396 12-27-2016

Walgreens Pharmacy 6396 12-27-2016

Walgreens Pharmacy 6396 9-20-2019

Walgreens Pharmacy 6779 11-19-2019

Walgreens Pharmacy 6779 9-25-2020

Walgreens Pharmacy 7357 5-15-2018

Walgreens Pharmacy 7357 5-15-2018

Walgreens Pharmacy 7357 10-30-2019

Walgreens Pharmacy 7554 9-25-2020

Walgreens Pharmacy 7554 9-25-2020

Walgreens Pharmacy 7573 9-25-2020

Walgreens Pharmacy 7573 2-21-2020

Walgreens Pharmacy 7574 1-11-2017

Walgreens Pharmacy 7574 1-11-2017

Walgreens Pharmacy 7574 9-25-2020

Walgreens Pharmacy 7678 9-25-2020

Walgreens Pharmacy 7678 8-11-2017

Walgreens Pharmacy 9028 1-24-2020

Walgreens Pharmacy 9342 3-26-2017

Walgreens Pharmacy 9342 8-16-2019

Walgreens Pharmacy 9490 7-10-2019

Walgreens Pharmacy 9926 3-24-2020

Walgreens Pharmacy 9927 6-21-2019

Walgreens Pharmacy 9967 9-18-2019

Walgreens Pharmacy 10076 9-25-2020

Walgreens Pharmacy 10402 7-10-2019

Walgreens Pharmacy 10905 11-15-2019

Walgreens Pharmacy 10977 9-26-2019

Walgreens Pharmacy 10977 2-9-2023

Walgreens Pharmacy 11037 9-25-2020

Walgreens Pharmacy 11037 8-23-2019

Walgreens Pharmacy 11054 8-14-2019

Walgreens Pharmacy 11064 10-23-2018

Walgreens Pharmacy 11064 8-3-2020

Walgreens Pharmacy 11140 12-6-2019

Walgreens Pharmacy 11169 8-23-2019

Walgreens Pharmacy 11283 12-6-2019

Walgreens Pharmacy 11594 9-11-2017

Walgreens Pharmacy 11763 12-13-2019

Walgreens Pharmacy 11949 9-6-2019

Walgreens Pharmacy 11949 5-29-2020​

Walgreens Pharmacy 11951 6-13-2017

Walgreens Pharmacy 11951 1-13-2020

Walgreens Pharmacy 11999 7-10-2019

Walgreens Pharmacy 11999 2-2-2023

Walgreens Pharmacy 12130 7-19-2019

Walgreens Pharmacy 12130 3-23-2020

Walgreens Pharmacy 12266 9-25-2020

Walgreens Pharmacy 12472 10-30-2019

Walgreens Pharmacy 12790 2-19-2020

Walgreens Pharmacy 12817 6-12-2017

Walgreens Pharmacy 12817 7-17-2019

Walgreens Pharmacy 12​817 10-5-2022

Walgreens Pharmacy 12846 9-25-2020

Walgreens Pharmacy 12847 6-5-2020

Walgreens Pharmacy 13149 10-30-2019

Walgreens Pharmacy 13457 12-26-2019

Walgreens Pharmacy 13816 8-16-2019

Walgreens Pharmacy 13816 1-24-2020

Walgreens Pharmacy 13840 11-15-2019

Walgreens Pharmacy 13892 8-30-2024.pdf

Walgreens Pharmacy 13892 9-25-2020

Walgreens Pharmacy 15117 12-28-2018

Walgreens Pharmacy 15130 1-28-2020

Walgreens Pharmacy 15308 9-25-2020​

Walgreens Pharmacy 15553 1-26-2018

Walgreens Pharmacy 15978 8-28-2019

Walgreens Pharmacy 15979 7-10-2019

Walgreens Pharmacy 16188 10-17-2019

Walgreens  Pharmacy 16190 9-30-2016

Walgreens Pharmacy 16192 11-19-2019

Walgreens Pharmacy 17174   2-2-2023​

Walgreens Pharmacy 17587 2-21-2020

Walgreens Pharmacy 17889 1-29-2021

Walgreens Pharmacy 17218 9-25-2020

Walgreens Pharmacy 17609 9-25-2020​

Walgreens Pharmacy 17928 2-16-2023​​​​

Walgreens Pharmacy 18308 1-23-2020

Walgreens Pharmacy 19115  10-5-22​​​​

Walgreens Pharmacy 19144  10-25-2022

Walgreens Pharmacy 19212 9-25-2020

Walgreens Pharmacy 19249 11-24-2020​

Walgreens Pharmacy 19262 9-25-2020

Walgreens Pharmacy 19451 9-25-2020​

Walgreens Pharmacy 19619 12-20-2019

Walgreens Pharmacy 19619  10-19-2022

Walker J 7-23-2024.pdf

Walker Pharmacy Inc. 7-23-2024.pdf

Wallace, K. 1-18-17

Wal-Mart Pharmacy 102560 1-25-2017

Wal-mart Pharmacy 10-3720 4-2-2024.pdf

Wal-mart Pharmacy Warehouse 46 4-20-15

Walsh McCagh-Kellough Pharmacy 11-20-2024.pdf

Walsh McCagh-Kellough Pharmacy 10.02.2023.pdf​​

Walter, W. 9-23-2019

Walters, K. 8-21-83

Wanzer Burgess, P 9-22-2020

Warren, J. 7-23-82

Washington, D. 2-19-2020

Washington, D. 10-23-2019

Watkins, T. 1-15-2020

Watkins, T. 4-11-2019

Watson, N. 2-9-2018

Waverly Professional Pharmacy 1-22-2020

Weamer, L. 7-23-14

Webb, J. 6-10-13

Webb, J. 7-18-14

Weddington, C. 11-21-2018

Weddington, C. 6-27-2018

Wee, M 7-17-2013

Weinberg, M. 10-31-03

Weinberg, M. 11-14-06

Weinberg, M. 3-18-05

Weinberg, M. 9-18-02

Weinstein, A. 4-26-06

Weinstein, A. 8-15-01

Weis Pharmacy 128 1-31-2018

Weis Pharmacy 129 7-31-2017

Weis Pharmacy 229 3-21-2017

Weisburgh, M. 4-19-2017

Weisburgh, M. 6-22-15

Weisburgh, M. 3-13-13

Weisburgh, M. 6-27-13

Weisburgh, M. 3-15-14

Weisburgh, M. 3-22-2016

Weiss, V. 10-10-84

Weiss, V. 5-23-84

Weiss, V. 7-16-86

Wellcare Inc. 11-03-06

Welsh, M. 2-4-97

Westbury Pharmacy 3-12-15

WestChester Compounding Inc.  8-15-2023

Western Regional Outpatient Pharmacy 3-7-17

West North Pharmacy 1-18-2023

Wharton E. 1-25-2021

Whitaker, L. 8-16-17

Whitaker, L 7-30-15

White, C. 7-18-2018

White, C. 9-20-2016

White, L. 10-4-2021

White, L. 3-23-15

White, L. 2-10-12

White, L. 1-5-11

White, L. 6-21-10

White, L 9-1-10

White, L. 8-13-2018

White, L. 10-9-2018

White, L. 11-6-2020

White, L. 5-26-2023

Whiteford Pharmacy 4-2-2019

Wicklife Pharma. 11-27-2018

Wickliffe Pharamceutical Inc 6-27-2016

Williams J 1-7-2025.pdf

Williams J 5-23-2024.pdf

Wiggins, P. 2-22-90

Wiggins, P. 9-10-93

Wiland, S. 10-20-21

Wiland, S 4-2-2021

Wiles, M. 11-22-13

Wiles, M. 11-28-12

Williams, C. 10-1-13

Williams, C. 9-6-13

Williams, E. 7-26-2018

Williams III, E. 6-12-2018

Williams J 5-23-2024.pdf

Wilson, A. 12-3-09

Wilson, A. 5-23-2016

Wilson, T  7-3-23

Windley, T. 4-18-2018

Windley, T. 9-26-16

Windsor, J. 6-21-10

Windsor, J. 4-5-11

Winn, B. 10-21-15

Winn, B. 10-29-14

Wise Discount Pharmacy 6-8-2018

Wolk, J 5-23-2022

Wolk J 12-11-2020

Woodland Hills Pharmacy 11-8-2019

Woods, R. 7-29-15

Woods, R. 5-18-15

Worthan, W. 2-21-2018

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X-Gen Pharmaceuticals, 10-16-13

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​​​Yannello, J. 12-11-09

Yannello, J. 2-15-07

Yi, S. 12-21-11

Yosef, S. 11-15-2019

Young, T. 6-17-09

Yusufov, T. 1-22-2020

Yusufov, T. 11-9-15

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Zaidi W 5-10-2024.pdf​​​​

Zamani, H. 10-16-2019

Zamani, H. 11-21-2023

Zarow, C. 8-8-84

Zonetak Pharmacy 10-26-12

Zonetak Pharmacy 11-21-14

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