​Veterans Auto and Education Improvement Act (VAEIA)

Licensed pharmacists and technicians from other states under military order to practice in Maryland are now allowed to practice in Maryland without a Maryland pharmacy license

On January 5, 2023, the President of the Unites States signed into law the VAEIA. This new federal law allows a servicemember (or their spouse), under military orders to serve in Maryland and licensed as a pharmacist or pharmacist technician in another state, to practice in Maryland without a license

The VAEIA requires that in order to practice in the state they are serving in, the service member (or spouse) must:

  1. provide a copy of their military orders to the licensing board in that state;
  2. remain in good standing in their original state of licensure and any other state they are licensed in;
  3. “submit to the authority of the licensing authority in the new jurisdiction for the purposes of standards of practice, discipline, and fulfillment of any continuing education requirements."

The law also ​allows a licensed pharmacist or pharmacy technician who is the spouse of a service member the same allowance under the same requirements. The authority to practice in Maryland without a license lasts for as long as the service member is stationed in Maryland (for the spouse of a service member, divorce would also terminate the recognition to practice in Maryland).​

Application for Recognition of Out-of-State License or Registration

Acceptance letters:

Asega, Beemnet

Corbett, Kiley

Hey, Carolyn
Thompson, Maya
