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The Maryland Board of Pharmacy Emergency Preparedness Task Force (EPTF): Semper Paratus - Always prepared is to protect the public health by:
The Maryland Board of Pharmacy Emergency Preparedness Task Force (EPTF) was established in 2001 in response to bioterrorism threats involving anthrax spores, sent through the mail with the intent to cause harm. In late 2001, in answer to the 9-11 attack, the EPTF changed its focus to all hazards.
At the same time, the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention created the Strategic National Stockpile to enable the federal government to supplement state emergency medical supplies. The State operates several warehouses that are stocked with medical assets and selected pharmaceuticals. The EPTF was asked to take charge of the pharmaceuticals and refrigerated assets at the state warehouses. Recently, the Task Force was activated on several occasions to prepare shipments of remdesivir, monoclonal antibodies, vaccines and other items in response to the COVID pandemic.
The EPTF also provides public health lectures and training exercises at the three Maryland schools of pharmacy. The exercises teach students how to efficiently and rapidly dispense massive quantities of prophylactic medications to entire communities.
The EPTF is always interested in recruiting pharmacists, technicians and student pharmacists who want to help the citizens of Maryland and wish to join our efforts.