Pharmacies, Distributors, and Manufacturers



Application For Manufacturers An​​d Virtual Manufacturers Distributing Their Own Prescription Drugs Or DevicesLINK
​Wholesale Distributor Application (Ensure you also download Attachments 1 & 2)LINK​​
​Wholesale Distributor App Attachment 1LINK
​Wholesale Distributor App Attachment 2LINK
​Waiver Application New and RenewalLINK
​Pharmacy Resident ApplicationLINK
​Pharmacy Non Resident Application
​Application for Prescription Drug Repository LINK
​Establishment Name ChangeLINK

​Resident Pharmacy Application Attachment 1:
Decentralized Pharmacy

​Repository Recipient Form - COMING SOONTBA
​Wholesale Distributor Surety Bond​LINK
​Irrevocable Letter of Credit Sample​LINK


All applications and correspondence related to the processing of applications and related documents for the Maryland Board of Pharmacy shall be sent to the following mailing addresses:​

Pharmacies, Distributors, Manufacturers (new, renewal, and reinstatement), Non-Resident Pharmacy (new, renewal, reinstatement), Pharmacy Waiver (new, renewal, and reinstatement), and any related correspondence:

Maryland Board of Pharmacy

PO Box 2024

Baltimore, MD 21203-2024​

NOTE:  Applications and forms shall be completed in their entirety and the appropriate payment attached and sent to the appropriate P.O. Box.  Payments in the form of cash or money order will not be accepted at the Board of Pharmacy on a walk-in basis; ​however, the Board will accept credit card payments. Please make sure to download the current application from the Board’s website. The Board of Pharmacy will no longer accept outdated applications. If you submit an outdated application, it will be returned and will delay the processing of your application. All documents and correspondence related to Compliance, Investigations, and Inspections will be sent directly to the Board of Pharmacy at 4201 Patterson Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21215-2299.​



 Distributors can renew online by clicking here.​ 

The renewal period begins on March 15, 2025​. ​​

 Only Visa or MasterCard are accepted as forms of payment for the online renewal. You may also renew by downloading and submitting a paper renewal application along with a check or money order.

A completed application postmarked or received by the Board on or before May 31, 2025, must be accompanied by a $1,750.00 renewal fee.  Applications postmarked after May 31, 2025, are subject to a $3,250.00 fee ($1,750 renewal fee plus $1,500 reinstatement fee). ​

​ Background Check Information: Click Here

For more information and instructions on the online renewal process, please contact the Board via email:

The Maryland Board of Pharmacy requires Accreditation for companies residing in states that do not have requirements that are 'substantially equivalent to Maryland’s wholesale distributor requirements.' 

Distributors may obtain Board of Certification/Accreditation (BOC) and​ NCDQS QAS Accreditation:

Board of Certification/Accreditation (BOC)

10461 Mill Run Circle, Suite 1250
Owings Mills, MD, 21117-5575​
Office: 877.776.2200


National Coalition for Drug Quality & Security 
8 The Green, Suite A
Dover, DE 19901 
Denise M. Frank, RPh
Director of Accreditation and Inspection Services

​​Inspection Forms

​Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Third-Party Logistics Providers


Q: My company is a Maryland-based third-party logistics provider (3PL), does my company need to obtain a permit from the Maryland Board of Pharmacy (Board) before operating in, or out of, Maryland?  


No, the Board does not issue a 3PL permit.  Additionally, the Board does not require that a 3PL obtain a wholesale distributor’s permit in lieu of a 3PL permit.


Q: My company is a Maryland-based 3PL attempting to obtain a 3PL permit in another state, will the Board provide an exemption letter?


Yes, send an email request to  Include “3PL exemption letter request” in the subject line.  In the email, please include the company’s official name and address, and the name and address of the Board of Pharmacy to which the letter should be addressed.


Q: My company is an out-of-state 3PL, does my company need to obtain a permit from the Maryland Board of Pharmacy before operating in Maryland?  


​No, the Board does not issue a 3PL permit.  Additionally, the Board does not require that a 3PL obtain a wholesale distributor’s permit in lieu of a 3PL permit.