Email sent out to Board Authorized Sponsors titled "2020 BSWE Newsletter" on January 19, 2021

As the Board reviews Continuing Education Certificates issued by Board Authorized Sponsors (BAS), it has found that some of the BAS are not using the Continuing Education (CE) template located on the CE webpage. Please update your current CE Certificate to reflect this format and print on your official letterhead.

For a webinar to qualify as a Category I CE learning activity it must be live, real-time, and interactive and it must be specified on the certificate.

It has come to the Board’s attention that some CE providers are offering webinars with pre-recorded session(s)/presentation(s) and calling them “Live and Interactive.” If more than 10% of the total training hours are pre-recorded, this is not considered “Live and Interactive” and the entire training would be classified as Category II. In order to offer Category I training, it must be live and interactive in real-time for the entire training. The modes of training must be clearly stated in your announcements, brochures, and postings.

Please check the Board’s website periodically to keep up-to-date on information pertaining to license renewal and continuing education requirements.

In addition, if you are providing Ethics or Supervision training programs, the specific training must be listed on the CE Certificate by the title of the training, the number of credit units earned, and whether it is a Category I or Category II learning activity.


  • If the status or contact person of your organization/agency/company has changed, please update your information by visiting the Continuing Education webpage, clicking on Sponsor Contact Update Form, and returning as soon as possible. In addition, please provide official documentation of the closure, merger, or change in official name to the  Board.
  • REMINDER: Sponsors are required to maintain documentation of continuing education activities provided for 4 years.  For further details, please refer to COMAR 
  • For more information, you can access past newsletters via the Board’s website at Newsletters