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​Administration and General Information
​(301) 759-5000
​​Birth Certificates
(301) 759-5119
​​Death Certificates
​(301) 759-5119
​​Human Resources
(301) 759-5008
​​​Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (Med Trans)
(301) 759-5123
Behavioral Health (Addiction, Mental Health, Prevention)
​(301) 759-5050
​Dental Health
​(301) 759-5030
Environmental Health
​(301) 759-5040
​​​Animal Exposure Reports, Rabies Clinic Information
(301) 759-5038 or (301) 759-5042
​​Burning Permits
​(301) 759-5040
​​​Onsite Water Wells, New Well Tests, Private Water, Well Drillers
​(301) 759-5040 or (301) 759-5047
​​​Percolation Tests, Septic Systems & Designs, Lot Development
​(301) 759-5040 or (301) 759-5051
Temporary Food Licenses, Restaurants, Festivals
​(301) 759-5038
​​​Health Planning
(301) 759-5259
​​​​​​Local Behavioral Health Authority (LBHA)
(301) 759-5070
​Nutrition Programs
​(301) 759-5270
​Public Health Emergency Preparedness
​(301) 759-5019
​Physical Health
​(301) 759-5000
​​Administrative Care Coordination Unit (ACCU)
​(301) 759-5094
​​​​Adolescent Clinic
​​​(301) 759-5132
​​​Adult Evaluation & Review Services (AERS)
​(301) 759-5210
​​AIDS/HIV Information
​(301) 759-5085
​​AIDS/HIV Testing
​(301) 759-5138
​​​Breast & Cervical Cancer Screening
​(301) 759-5083
​​Colorectal, Skin, & Lung Cancer Screening
​(301) 759-5083
​​​Family Planning & Pregnancy Testing​
​​​​(301) 759-5245 or (301) 759-5018
​​​​Healthy Families
​(301) 759-5079​
​​​Infectious Disease​​
​(301) 759-5125​ or (301) 759-5245
​(301) 759-5138
​​Johns Hopkins Viral Hepatitis Center (Hepatitis C)
​​(301) 759-5101
​​Lead Interventions
​(301) 759-5079
​​​Maryland Children's Health Program (MCHP)
​(301) 759-5076
​​​Maryland Health Connection
​(301) 759-5076
​​​Maternal & Infant Home Visiting (Healthy Families)
​(301) 759-5079
​​​​​National Family Caregiver Support Program
(301) 759-5210
​(301) 759-5138
​​School Health
​(301) 759-5088
​​Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI)
​​​​(301) 759-5245 
​​​​Senior Care Program
(301) 759-5210
​​​​​Tobacco/Nicotine Cessation
​​(301) 759-5093
​​Tuberculosis (TB)
​(301) 759-5125​
​​​Reproductive Health Services
(301) 759-5084​
​Western Maryland Regional Laboratory​​​
​​​(301) 759-5115
​​​WIC Program​​
​(301) 759-5020

​Allegany County Health Department
12501-12503 Willowbrook Road, SE
Cumberland, MD  21502
(301) 759-5000
Toll Free Maryland DHMH 1-877-4MD-DHMH
TDD for Disabled Maryland Relay Service 1-800-735-2258

​Standard business hours for the Allegany County Health Department are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4;30 p.m.  If you need to reach us in an emergency on the weekend or after 4:30 p.m. weekdays​, call (301) 759-5000.  For general inquiries, e-mail us at achd.info@maryland.gov.



​Have you recently visited the Allegany County Health Department for information or services? Please take a moment to tell us about your experience. Click HERE, or simply scan the QR code on the right with your mobile device to complete a brief Customer Satisfaction Survey.​