​​​​​​​​​​​B​elow you will find all of the presentation materials from New Employee Orientation

Secretary's Welcome

Training Services Division
David Mark, david.mark@maryland.gov
Paulina Nicolaides, paulina.nicolaides@maryland.gov
​Jacqueline Felton, jacqueline.felton@maryland.gov 

Workday Learning Basics and JobAids​
​​Mandatory/Highly Recommended Programs Offered by TSD

Office of Communications

Central Services
Central Services - Merit
Central-Services- Contractual

Office of the Inspector General
Financial Disclosures and Secondary Employment
Danielle Owens, danielle.owens1@maryland.gov​

Office of Constituent and Customer Services
Customer Service

Office of Human Resources:
LaSheena Jackson, lashee​na.jackson@maryland.gov
        ​Employment - Merit
Employment - Contractual
New Employee Handbook​

​​​​​​Jennifer Holland, jennifer.holland@maryland.gov
Payroll - Merit Employees
Payroll - Contractual Employees

​​​Office of Enterprise Technologies​:
Charlene Daye, charlene.daye@maryland.gov​
​​OET Security Orientation

Office of Preparedness and Response:
Sarah Yoo, sarah.yoo1@maryland.gov
          OPR presentation

Savannah Bellamy, raths5@nationwide.com​​
Supplemental Retirement
Enrollment Form (pages 1-2).pdfSup​plemental​ Retirement -Enrollment Form

Bargaining Units:
DBM Collective Bargaining in Maryland​​​​

How do MDH employees access the Intranet?

To log in, use the same username you use to log into your computer followed by @health.maryland.gov (i.e. jsmith@health.maryland.gov). The password is also the same password you use to log into your computer.​
