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Maryland Department of Health
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Hospital Breastfeeding Policy Maternity Staff Training
These instructional modules were developed as a collaboration between International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs) at the Maryland Department of Health (Amy Resnik, MS, RD, CSP, LDN, IBCLC, RLC) and the University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Medical Center (Laurie Miele, RN, BSN, IBCLC, RLC),under the guidance of the Maryland Department of Health, Hospital Breastfeeding Policy Committee. The modules are intended to provide education which prepares hospital maternity staff to create an environment that is aligned to meet both the
Maryland Hospital Breastfeeding Policy Recommendations
and the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative. These modules were developed to meet the requirements outlined in Step 2 of the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding, developed by UNICEF/WHO
Running times for each of the 15 training modules vary, however total time for each module is no longer than 1 hour. With completion of pre and post-tests, and discussion with the lactation educator at each facility, this training meets the 15 hour didactic training (at time of development) required of those seeking Baby Friendly designation. Please note that Module #9 is part of Breastfeeding Friendly Hospital Initiative but not Maryland Hospital Breastfeeding Policies, thus those seeking to meet the Maryland Hospital Breastfeeding Policies may opt to skip Module #9. Hospital staff can either complete the modules online here or can work with their hospital administrators to offer them for continuing education credits.
Materials can be made available to those wishing to use the presentation slides to teach the materials in a traditional classroom setting. Please contact
Amy Resnik
for more information.
Module #1 – Global Strategies
Module #2 – Communication Skills
Module #3 – Anatomy and Physiology: From Breast to Baby
Module #4 – Promoting Breastfeeding During Pregnancy
Module #5 – Birth Practices and Breastfeeding
Module #6 – Helping with Breastfeeding
Module #7 – Hospital Policies that Assist with Breastfeeding
Module # 8 – Milk Supply
Module # 9 – Supporting the Mother Who Feeds with Bottles and/or Infant Formula
Module # 10 – Infants and Mothers with Special Needs
Module # 11 – Breast and Nipple Concerns
Module # 12 – If the Baby Cannot Feed at the Breast
Module # 13 – Ongoing Support for Mothers
Module # 14 – Protecting Breastfeeding
Module # 15 – Assuring That Your Hospital is Supportive of Breastfeeding
If you have questions please contact the Maternal and Child Health Bureau at
, and include “Breastfeeding” in the subject line.
At the completion of each module, the attendee will be able to print a page that indicates his/her post-test score for that module and the date the post-test was taken.
The system will allow the attendee to add his/her name so that the printed verification page includes a name rather than an email address.
Scores of at least 4 out of 5 are considered passing. Verification pages with passing scores are confirmation of successful completion of the respective module.