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Vaccination Pharmacist

CPR card certification must be obtained through in-person classroom instruction.


Recent News and Updates

Informal Comment Period for Certain Regulations

The informal comment period is open from 

March 21-April 4, 2025 for the following COMAR sections

Prescription or patient Drug Profiles

Licensure by reciprocity

Pharmacy Permit Holder requirements

10.34.08 Information Required on Prescriptions or Patient Drug Profiles

10.34.15 Licensure by Reciprocity

10.34.37 Pharmacy Permit Holder Requirements - Wholesale Distribution and Nonresident Pharmacy Operations

Please email your comments to:

Deena Speights-Napata, M.A.

Executive Director

Maryland Board of Pharmacy


The comments will be reviewed by the board and considered for incorporation in the regulation if appropriate. 

The formal comment period will begin when the regulations are sent to the Department of Regulations Office of Policy Coordination and accepted for posting in the Maryland Register.

Comments can be submitted during the informal and formal process.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact:

Deena Speights-Napata, M.A.

Executive Director

Maryland Board of Pharmacy




The Next Publ​ic Board Meeting will be held on April 16, 2025 at 9:30 AM. ​​​​

​Th​e meeti​ng will be in person ​with a virtual ​option (see below)
The Maryland Board of Pharmacy is currently live streaming board monthly public meetings

Please Note:
You will NOT get CE credits for attending virtually

Your video, audio, and chat will be disabled and
you will not be able to adjust these features

To join us, use this link:


Join before 9:30 am to ensure you are connected, attempts to connect after 9:30 will be accommodated when possible

Comments, questions or suggestions can be emailed to

All email will be read, but a response is not guaranteed​


​Maryland Implicit Bias Training Requirement: Definition and Resources​​​

​Pursuant to MD. Code Ann., Health Occ. § 1-225, all health practitioners must attest to completing an implicit bias training program approved by the Cultural and Linguistic Health Care Professional Competency Program on their first license renewal after April 1, 2022.​​​​

Effective ​​June 30, 2021, The grace period for late fees will no longer be waived and will be due for licenses that have not been renewed when they expire after June 30, 2021. Renewals received after this period will need to be submitted as Reinstatements and will be assessed a reinstatement fee.  ​​​

​Previous News and Updates​

Govern​or's Actions​