1. American Red Cross - Chesapeake Region 4800 Mount Hope Drive Baltimore, MD 21215 Contact: Janet Jones, RN Phone: 410-624-2060 janet.jones4@redcross.org
2. Howard County Community College Division of Continuing Education 10650 Hickory Road Columbia, MD 21044 Jennifer Bukowitz Keller, RN ,BS, M.Ed. Nursing and Allied Health Coordinator Phone: 443-518-4967 jbukowitzkeller@howardcc.edu
3. Carroll County Community College Division of Continuing Education 1601 Washington Road Westminster, MD 21157 Millie Bahnsen, RNC,MS,CRNP Coordinator of Nursing and Healthcare Training Phone: 410-386-8025 Mbahnsen@carrollcc.edu
4. Wor-Wic Community College Division of Continuing Education 3200 Campus Drive Salisbury, MD 21804 Contact: Stephanie Gamm, RN,BS,CRRN Allied Health Coordinator Phone: 410-334-2800 sgamm@worwic.edu
5. Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC) Division of Continuing Education 7201 Rossville Boulevard Baltimore, MD 21237 Aimee King, MSN, BSN,RN Instructional Specialist Phone: 443-840-2035 Aking4@ccbcmd.edu
6.Chesapeake College Division of Continuing Education P.O. Box 8 Wye Mills, MD 21679 Contact: Marci Leach, BS, MA Director of Continuing Education & Workforce Training Phone: 410-827-3412 mleach@Chesapeake.edu
7.Hagerstown Community College Division of Continuing Education 11400 Robinwood Drive Hagerstown, MD 21742 Contact: Robin Hollin, BS,RN,M Ed. Allied Health Program Manager Phone: 240-500-2614 rghollin@hagerstowncc.edu
8.The Beacon Institute 10280 Old Columbia Road Suite 220 Columbia, MD 21046 Contact: Enid-Mai Jones M.A., MS. Ed Senior Vice President, Phone: 410-381-2401 x 241 ejones@lifespan-network.org
9. Montgomery College 7600 Takoma Avenue Takoma Park, MD 20912 Contact: Wendy Wells, MSN, RN Program Manager II Phone: 240-567-5507 Fax: 240-567-5509 Wendy.wells@montgomerycollege.edu
10. Anne Arundel Community College 101 Crain Highway North GBTC 404 Glen Burnie, MD 21061 Mar-Lynn Mickens, BSM, LPN Health Services Coordinator for Continuing Ed. Phone: 410-777-2560 Fax: 410-777-4052 mmickens@aacc.edu
11. Prince Georges Community College Center for Health Studies Room 2405 Contact: Veronica Hammonds Program Coordinator, Workforce Development and Continuing Education Phone: 301-546-0040 hammonvj@pgcc.edu