The Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Healthcare Financing have asked the Health Occupation Boards to reach out to providers. The Department is having a major problem getting folks to re-enroll in Medicaid, especially now that, for the first time, many have to do it via the health exchange. An extraordinary number of patients have lost their coverage and the Department has issued the following announcement.
Subject: An important message from DHMH re: Medicaid coverage for your patients
Dear Provider,
Medicaid recipients must renew their eligibility once every 12 months. This process is also known as getting a “redetermination”. Renewals for most Medicaid recipients will now be processed in Maryland Health Connection.
The Department developed a double-sided, one-page flyer that details the steps Medicaid participants should take to complete their annual Medicaid eligibility determination.
Please share this flyer with the Medicaid participants you see to help ensure there is no lapse in Medicaid coverage.
We appreciate your assistance with this critical effort to ensure continuous coverage for all Medicaid enrollees.
Thank you!
Shannon McMahon
Deputy Secretary, Healthcare Financing
Maryland Department of Health & Mental Hygiene