Application Instructions for Initial Certification as a Workers Compensation Case Manager

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  1. The fee for initial certification in Maryland is $25.00.
  2. Check or money order made payable to the Maryland Board of Nursing
Criteria for Certification
  1. Current active licensure to practice as a registered nurse in Maryland.
  2. Completion of the Board Application for Initial Certification as a WCCM. [PDF] 
  3. Submit the fee of $25.00
  4. Attach proof of completion of a Board approved course for WCCMs
Information Regarding Renewal
Certification as a Workers Compensation Case Manger (WCCM) expires at the same time as the registered nurse license. Applicants applying for renewal of the certificate as a WCCM must:
  1. Renew the Maryland registered nurse license;
  2. Complete and submit the WCCM Practice Verification Form
  3. Pay the $10.00 certificate renewal fee in addition to the registered nurse license renewal fee; and,
  4. Have practiced a minimum of 1000 hours in the past year as a RN-WCCM.
updated 03/05/2025