Examination & 100-Hour Course Information


All candidates making application for licensure as a Nursing Home Administrator in Maryland are required to pass both the Maryland State's Standards Examination and the National Association of Nursing Home Administrator Boards (NAB) Examination.  The Maryland exam is a 100-question computer-based exam and the NAB exam is a 150-question computer-based exam.  To qualify for the examinations, candidates must have completed a minimum of 8 months of the Administrator-In-Training program, or its equivalent, and the 100-hour course, if required.

The Maryland State's Standards Examination covers sections of the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) that apply to nursing facilities.  The breakdown of questions on the examination is as follows and the regulations can be accessed via links below:

10.​07.02 - 55 questions ​
10.07.09 - 20 questions ​
10.09.10 - 10 questions ​
10.09.24 - 5 questions ​
10.15.03 - 10 questions ​

The Maryland State's Standards examination is a computer-based test available online.  The examination is administered through the National Association of Nursing Home Administrator Boards (NAB).  Candidates for licensure can learn more about the Maryland exam and must register for the exam by going to the NAB website (www.nabweb.org) and clicking on the 'Examination' link.
The National Association of Nursing Home Administrator Boards (NAB) administers the national examination. The national examination must be completed online.  A candidate will require:

  • An internet-capable PC with attached printer
  • An internet connection (DSL or modem)
  • Internet Explorer (4.0 or better)
  • An e-mail account
  • A valid Visa or MasterCard

Candidates for licensure can learn more about the NAB exam and can register for the exam by going to the NAB website (www.nabweb.org) and clicking on the 'Examinations' link.

Pratt, John R., (2016-4th  Edition) Nursing Home : Managing Across the ContinuumSudberry, MA Jones and Bartlett Publishers

NAB Study Guide-How To Prepare for the Nursing Home Administrators Examination(5th Edition) Washington, DC National Association of Nursing Home ​Administrator Boards, Inc.

Singh, Douglas, A., (2010) Effective Management of Nursing Home Facilities Sudbury, MA Jones and Bartlett Publishers

Davis, Winborn E., Townsend, Joseph E., (2013) The Principles of Health Care Administration Shreveport, LA BNB Systems.

Allen, James E., (2011-6th Edition) Nursing Home Administration New York, NY Springer Publishing Company, Inc.

The Nursing Home Survey (May 2013) Washington, DC American Health Care Association.

McSweeney-Feld, Mary Helen and Reid Oetjen, editors (2012) Dimensions of Nursing Home  Management: An Introduction Chicago, IL  Health Administration Press.

Pozgar, George. Legal Aspects of Health Care Administration, 11th edition (2012). Jones and Bartlett Learning, LLC.

Additional Readings

Gilster, Susan D., (2006) A Way of Life: Developing an Exemplary Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Program  Baltimore, MD Health Professions Press​​

Recommended Websites

Examinees are encouraged to visit the following websites for additional information related to nursing home administration:

AIT Resources, LLC
Flexible course that meets the Board's 100-hour course requirement.
Taught by a LNHA.

St. Joseph’s College of Maine

On-line option
Required courses: LTC 210 and LTC 450

(800) 752-4723
Web:  www.sjcme.edu
Email:  info@sjcme.edu​