Temporary Food Service Facilities

​Content and forms on this page are intended for citizens and businesses of Queen Anne's County, Maryland. Contact information for other counties can be found at the following web address: https://health.maryland.gov/Pages/departments.aspx

A temporary food service facility is a food facility that operates for a temporary period of time in conjunction with a fair, carnival, recreational facility, fundraising event, or other public event. Public event means a planned gathering that is open to the public and advertised with fliers, banners, newspaper articles, radio or television announcements, or on an Internet website as being open to the general public regardless of whether or not a fee is charged. The facility operates at a fixed location for not more than 14 consecutive days.

Examples of events that would require a temporary permit:

  • Outdoor carnivals and fairs
  • Concessions served at sports tournaments/races
  • Fundraisers open to the public
  • Restaurants serving/preparing food at an event at an off-site location
  • School events open to the general public

An Application to be a temporary food service facility must be complete and submitted to our office at a minimum of two (2) weeks prior to a public event via e-mail, mail, or fax. Upon receipt of the application, the applicant will be contacted to discuss the application and requirements, and if approved, a temporary permit will be issued.

Application Fee - $15

Ap​​pli​ca​tion for Temporary Event License

No permit is required for commercially, pre-packaged, non-potentially hazardous foods such as:

  • Bottled water
  • Candy
  • Canned/bottled soda
  • Bagged chips​