
Maryland Loan Repayment Programs

​​The Annual MLRP application cycle is from March 1, 2025 to April 15, 2025.  

The link below for APPLICATION DOCUMENTS includes links to instructions, required documents and examples of the application.


​Throughout Maryland, healthcare professionals work diligently every day to meet the varied healthcare needs of all Marylanders, however, workforce shortages persist and create challenges to supporting healthcare access across the state.  To address these challenges, the Maryland Loan Repayment Programs (MLRP) aim to improve the recruitment and retention of the health professional workforce, especially in areas of Maryland experiencing health professional shortages.

The Maryland Loan Repayment Programs (MLRP) offer higher education loan repayment assistance to health professionals including physicians, physician assistants, medical residents, nurses, and nursing support staff. These professionals have the opportunity to practice in areas of healthcare professional shortages in exchange for loan repayment assistance.  These programs, including the State Loan Repayment Program (SLRP), the Maryland Loan Assistance Repayment Program (MLARP) for Physicians and Physician Assistants, and the MLARP for Nurses and Nursing Support Staff, are funded via Federal and state-level resources.  MLRP is given the authority to administer the MLARP Funds via Article - Health - General §§ 24-1701 through 1708 and §§ 24–1901 through 1906, Annotated Code of Maryland.  The programs are administered by the Maryland Department of Health (MDH).

MLRP also facilitates legislatively established workgroups as assigned: 


The annual MLRP application cycle is from March 1 through April 15. The link below for Application documents Examples still include links to instructions, required documents and examples of the application.



MLRP offers participants educational loan repayment assistance in exchange for a service obligation at an eligible practice site.  Find links to details regarding the application, award, and participation processes below. An annual application cycle will open March 1 to accept program applications.​ Eligibility criteria and the number of awards possible can change from year-to-year based on authorizing legislation and funding availability.  Check this webpage frequently for updates.  To sign up to receive Workforce Listserv updates, including about the Maryland Loan Repayment Programs, click here.


- Full time: ≥40 hours per week worked
- Part time: 20-39 hours  per week worked




Providers who have been awarded loan repayment funds through the Maryland Loan Repayment Programs (MLRP)​ must complete the requested documentation below in order to receive funds for each of there two year service obligations.  The document links below are only for Program Participants.

​Year I:  Offer Acceptance Documentation​

Year 2:  ​Renewal Documentation 

​*****CLICK HERE for Cultural Competency resources and requirements.*****

To sign up for our Work​force Listserv to receive updates about Workforce Incentive Programs  cli​ck h​ere​​​.

For further questions , please contact us:
Office of Health Care Access and Workforce Development
Maryland Department of Health
​​Baltimore, MD 21201​
Phone: 410-767-6123​
MDH.LoanRepaymentPrograms@maryland.gov ​


Last updated: 03-14-2025