Maryland State Office of Rural Health​

​Please join us in celebrating the Power of Rural 
ational Rural Health Day
Follow​ for announcements and events for 2024's NRHD!


The mission of the Maryland State Office of Rural Health (SORH) is to help improve the quality of health among rural Marylanders by developing strong partnerships; building local resources; promoting relevant state and national rural health policies; and supporting efforts to expand healthcare access. Maryland SORH implements these three goals: 

1) Serve as a focal point and state clearinghouse for collection and dissemination of information regarding rural health care issues, research findings, and innovative  approaches to the delivery of health care in rural areas;  

2) Provide coordination of rural health programming across the state and in identified  areas such as diabetes, substance use, and workforce development to avoid redundancy  of efforts among public health and health care entities; and  

3) Deliver technical assistance to rural-serving public and non-profit private entities to build capacity to access state and federal resources.  

The Maryland SORH is federally funded by the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration’s Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP) and serves as one of the country’s 50 SORHs.​

Rural Maryland

​The State of Maryland recognizes 18 of its 24 jurisdictions as rural. Maryland’s rural counties include:

Allegany, Calvert, Carolin​​e, Carroll, Cecil, Charles, Dorchester, Frederick, Garrett, Harford, Kent, Queen Anne’s, Somerset, St. Mary’s, Talbot, Washington, Wicomico, and Worcester. 

25% of Maryland's residents live in rural Maryland. Maryland's rural communities face unique healthcare concerns that include a lack of healthcare providers and difficulty accessing those providers due to transportation and technology barriers. Rural hospitals and health care providers, which frequently are the economic backbone of the communities they serve, deserve special consideration so that they can continue to provide high-quality services and meet the needs of rural residents. ​​​

Where can I learn more?


Sara Seitz, MPH


Maryland State Office of Rural Health

Maryland Department of Health

201 W. Preston Street

Baltimore, MD 21201

Phone: 410-767- 4467​  


Last updated:  10-29-24​




​Marylan​​​​d Statewide Telehealth Interest Group

Join Meeting: Friday, April 11, ​​​​ 2025
12:00 pm- 1:00 pm EST
Google Meet Joining Info:
Video Call Link:  
Or dial: (347) 509-8755; PIN: 474 299 929#
More phone numbers: =6132042656067

Community Health Worker and Employer Surveys: with a Focus on Rural Maryland​

See the analysis and Infographics here!



Click here for training opportunities



CMS Conference on Optimizing Healthcare Delivery to Improve
Patient Lives​​

This free, virtual conference hosted by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services will convene change makers from the healthcare community and federal government to share new ideas, lessons learned, and best practices to reduce administrative burden and strengthen access to quality care.​​​
Click here for details and registraiton.

Date: December 12, 2024

Making Progress, More to Do Health Equity Conference: 
Celebrating 20 Years

​Join us to celebrate the Maryland Department of Health, Office of Minority Health and Health Disparities 20th Anniversary. The office was created by legislation in 2004 and has continued to work on its mission of addressing social determinants of health and eliminating health disparities.  Click here for details and registraiton.

Date: December 10, 2024
Time:  8:00 AM - 4:00 PM




Rural Health Community Capacity Academy

​The National Rural Health Association is currently accepting applications for the Rural Health Community Capacity Academy. This program is designed to help rural organizations build their capacity to address local health and human service challenges through personalized coaching.  Eligible organizations may include but are not limited to, non-profit organizations, rural health clinics, federally qualified health centers, medical centers, local governments, and tribal governments. Selected organizations will work with experienced coaches to develop sustainable, communit​y-driven solutions that meet their unique needs.  Application and details available here.   Deadl​ine: 10-18-2024​

CDC released it​s inaugural Rural Public Health Strategic Plan to protect and improve the health of America’s rural communities. This plan outlines key priorities that provide a blueprint for CDC’s rural public health work for the next five years.​

Routine tracking of preventable premature deaths based on urban-rural county classification might enable public health departments to identify and monitor geographic disparities in health outcomes. These disparities might be related to different levels of access to health care, social determinants of health, and other risk factors. Identifying areas with a high prevalence of potentially preventable mortality might be informative for interventions.

​The Maryland Department of Health and health care workforce development stakeholders have identified benefits of planning and establishing a Maryland statewide healthcare workforce data clearinghouse to serve as a central repository of data related to the healthcare workforce serving Maryland residents. To this end, MDH, in conjunction with vendor assistance, has conducted an exploratory landscape analysis on available healthcare workforce data clearinghouse models consisting of literature review and interviews with representatives of successful healthcare workforce data clearinghouses in other states. ​