Maryland Loan Repayment Programs - Physicians and Physician Assistants​​


There are three vital areas of eligibility described below: Discipline, Participant, and Practice Site eligibility.  Successful MLRP applicants must ensure verification of these critical elements during the application process and demonstrate compliance with these critical elements, meeting monitoring requirements throughout any awarded service obligations.  

Eligibility criteria can change from year-to-year based on authorizing legislation and funding availability.  Check this webpage frequently for updates.  To sign up to receive Workforce Listserv updates, including about the Maryland Loan Repayment Programs, click here.  

Discipline Eligibility

MLRP participants must have completed training in an accredited training program, and possess an active and valid license (without restrictions or encumbrances) to practice in Maryland, in one of the following eligible disciplines:


Up to $100,000 for a 2-year Service Agreement (Full-time, ≥40 hours per week)/ Up to $50,000 for a 2-year Service Agreement (Part-Time, 20-39 hours per week)

  • MD: Allopathic Medicine

  • DO: Osteopathic Medicine

  • PA: Physician Assistant

Up to $100,000 for a 3-year Service Agreement (Full-time, ≥40 hours per week)/ Up to $50,000 for a 3-year Service Agreement (Part-Time, 20-39 hours per week)

    Final Year Medical Residents

  • Individuals enrolled as a final year medical resident specializing in primary care as of July 1 following application to the Program are eligible to apply for a 3 year service obligation (final year of medical residency + 2 years in an eligible practice site).

MLRP participants who work part-time (20-39 hours per week), are automatically part-time program participants.  MLRP participants who work full-time (40 hours per week) can be part-time or full-time program participants.​

Participant Eligibility

MLRP participants must meet the following program eligibility requirements:

  • Be a United States citizen or national;

  • Personally owe education loan debt obtained for the pursuit of undergraduate or graduate study leading to practice as a physician or physician assistant.

    •  ​Eligible “Education loan” means any loan that is obtained for tuition, educational expenses, or living expenses for undergraduate or graduate study leading to practice as a physician or physician assistant.  Any other educational loans obtained beyond licensure of a physician or physician assistant are not eligible for loan repayment assistance.

  • Not have any outstanding contractual obligations for health care professional service to the federal government, another state loan repayment program, or other entity (including employer sign on bonuses) unless that service obligation will be completely satisfied before the Program service obligation documentation has been signed.

    • EXCEPTION: Individuals in the Reserve Component of the U.S. Armed Forces or National Guard are eligible to participate in MLRP. 

  • Must not have:

    • Federal judgment liens;

    • A default on any federal payment obligations (e.g., Health Education

Assistance Loans, Nursing Student Loans, federal income tax liabilities, Federal

Housing Authority Loans, etc.) even if the creditor now considers them to be in good standing;

  • Breached a prior service obligation to the federal/state/local government or other entity, even if they subsequently satisfied the obligation; and

  • Had any federal or non-federal debt written off as uncollectible or received a waiver of any federal service or payment obligation.

  • Have a valid employment contract to work at a practice site location in Maryland that will be in effect by the start of any service obligation resulting from the application (July 1 following the application cycle) to:

    • Practice part-time (20-39 hours per week) or full-time (40+ hours per week) at an eligible practice site, with a minimum of 80 percent (80%) of work hours dedicated to direct patient care.  

      • Time spent on-call shall not be counted toward practice hours.

      • MLRP participants who work part-time (20-39 hours per week), are automatically part-time program participants.  MLRP participants who work full-time (40 hours per week) can be part-time or full-time program participants.

  • Fulfill any service obligation resulting from application at an eligible practice site that meets stated criteria.
  • Must agree that any MLRP funds awarded as a result of an MLRP service obligation are paid to a verified educational loan holder by the Maryland Department of Health to repay qualifying educational loans. Qualifying educational loans are Government and commercial loans for actual costs paid for tuition and reasonable educational and living expenses related to the education of the participant.

Practice Site Eligibility

Health care professionals participating in MLRP must fulfill their service obligation at an eligible practice site physically located in Maryland.  To be eligible, practice sites can be non-profit (inclusive of governmental entities) or for-profit, but must meet the following criteria:

  • Charge for professional services at customary prevailing rates, except for free clinics. 

  • Accept Medicare, Medicaid, and the Children’s Health Insurance Program, as appropriate to the patient population.

  • Provide discounts for individuals with limited incomes, in other words, use a sliding fee scale. 

    • For those with annual incomes at or below 100 percent of the HHS Poverty Guidelines, provide services at no charge or at a nominal charge. 
    • For individuals between 100 and 200 percent of the U.S. Health and Human Services Poverty Guidelines, provide a schedule of discounts, which must reflect a nominal charge covered by a third party (either public or private). 
  • Attend to all patients regardless of their ability to pay.

  • Agree to and participate in reporting on behalf of any awarded MLRP participant, including:

    • Verification of on-going employment; 

    • Aggregate de-identified data regarding patient population served by the practice site and participant; and

    • Health care quality outcomes priorities and progress.

  • Agree to and complete an organizational assessment tool to evaluate organization’s current integration of National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health Care (CLAS), issued by HHS.

Please note: Potential practice sites could include, but are not limited to primary care, specialty care, community clinics, governmental facilities, hospitals, private or group practices, long-term care, hospice, school-based, or correctional facilities. 


Office of Health Care Access and Workforce Development
Maryland Department of Health
Baltimore, MD 21201
Phone: 410-767-6123​ 

Last Updated: