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Reporting Requirements

To protect patient confidentiality, Maryland does not have mandatory reporting laws for domestic violence or sexual assault. You may not report suspected or confirmed domestic violence or sexual assault unless the adult victim consents or for one of the following exceptions: 
Exceptions:  Disclosure is mandated in the following three conditions:
1.      Child abuse
  • If the case involves physical or sexual abuse of a child up to age 18 by a parent, guardian, other person with permanent or temporary custody, or family or household member, then health care professionals are mandated to report to Child Protective Services (CPS) or law enforcement.
2.      Vulnerable adult abuse
  • If the case involves neglect, self-abuse, or exploitation of a vulnerable adult (adult aged 18 or older lacking the physical or mental capacity to provide for daily needs), then medical personnel, police, and human service workers should report to Adult Protective Services (APS) or law enforcement.
3.      Treatment of an injury by health care provider
  • If the injury was caused by a gunshot or moving vessel, then medical personnel must report to law enforcement.
  • In Allegany, Anne Arundel, Charles, Kent, Montgomery, Prince George’s, Somerset, Talbot and Wicomico counties, if injury is caused by an “auto accident or lethal weapon”, then medical personnel must report to law enforcement.
To report abuse of children or vulnerable adults, call 1-800-332-6347 or 911.
A pamphlet about the Maryland law can be found at: