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Continuing Education

​​View Pre-Approved CEU Providers​  ​| ​​View Individually Approved CEU Courses​

Summary of Maryland Chiropractic CEU Regulations & Program

The Maryland regulations governing Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are found at COMAR 10.43.1. Significantly, these regulations were substantively revised effective January 6, 2014. Under these revised regulations:

  •  “Pre-Approved CEU Providers” are designated by the Board. Their courses/programs do not require Board review or pre-approval, provided that the courses fall under the general substantive subject-matter topics contained in the regulations (see topical list below). Pre-Approved CEU Providers include: all CCE Approved Chiropractic Schools, all State and National Chiropractic Associations, including but not limited to: ACA, NBCE, FCLB, PACE, MCA, etc. The courses of such Pre-Approved CEU Providers are not required to be submitted to the Board for pre-approval and may be pro-actively advertised as “Pre-approved by the MD Board, pursuant to COMAR”


  • Board approved topics are as follows:
    • Chiropractic principles, philosophy, and adjusting techniques
    • Chiropractic ethics and jurisprudence
    • X-ray assurance and modalities
    • Diagnostic imaging (includes x-rays, diagnostic ultrasound, video fluoroscopy and motion x-rays & electronic and mechanical testing devices)
    • Clinical, physical, physical, orthopedic, and neurological diagnoses including their examinations
    • Rehabilitative procedures (includes all PT devices, laser, dry needling & therapeutic ultrasound)
    • Nutritional diagnosis (includes diet, vitamins, nutritional non-legend supplements, nutrition and weight counseling)
    • Physical therapy (includes all modalities, theory, devices, exercise regimens, etc)
    • Risk management (excludes financial practice building)
    • Cultural competency and diversity awareness (re:  race, gender, ethnicity, age, handicap, etc.)
    • Any other subject with clinical application approved by the Board


  • The list of all Pre-Approved CEU Providers shall be posted on the Board website. Pre-Approved CEU Provider courses will not be posted on the website since they are pre-approved.


  • All other non- pre-approved providers (e.g., Commercial providers, not using Pre-Approved Provider courses) must submit their courses for approval with a $25.00 review fee (per mailing). Non-preapproved provider courses will to be posted on the Board’s website. Approvals expire five (5) years from the date the Board approved the course. Submission of courses for review must be postmarked at least sixty (60) days prior to the start of the date of the course. Faxes and emails are not authorized and no late or retroactive approval is permitted. The form recommended for submissions is in the FORMS MENU of this website. If a different form is used, the form/ review request must contain the following minimum information:
    • Title location, dates of the courses and description of mode:  live, home study, electronic, etc.
    • Name, address, phone number and email of course submitter
    • Full name, resume(s) of all instructors (not required if previously approved)
    • Number of CEU credits requested
    • Full explanation of attendance and accreditation processes
    • Detailed synopsis/syllabus of the course schedule including start/end times and breaks
    • Name(s) of any course sponsor other than the submitter


  • Licensees may achieve up to and including 12 CEUs for verified participation as an instructor, volunteer or mentor under structured, sponsored programs approved by the Board. Licensees may achieve up to and including 12 CEUs for medical education courses from a bona fide source such as the AMA or State Medical Assn. or Accredited Medical School or Hospital.