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Office of Equal Opportunity Programs


The Office of Equal Opportunity Programs (OEOP) strives to ensure a non-discriminatory workplace for MDH employees and job applicants as well as the non-discriminatory delivery of services, benefits, and activities provided by or funded by MDH, per federal and state laws, regulations, and guidelines pertaining to equal opportunity compliance.

OEOP is comprised of the Fair Practices Officer (FPO), Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO),  Equal Access Compliance Unit (EACU) and the Minority Business Enterprise Program (MBE).


The Governor's Executive Order on Fair Employment Practices mandates the appointment of a Fair Practices Officer for the appropriate implementation of an Equal Employment Opportunity Program. The Fair Practices Officer oversees, reviews, evaluates, and makes recommendations on equal opportunity policies and practices within the workplace, whether it is discrimination based or practices that are alleged to be arbitrary and unfair. ​


EEO works to ensure a non-discriminatory workplace by addressing concerns and complaints regarding Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) from MDH employees and job applicants. OEOP investigates and responds to charges of discrimination in the workplace, provides assistance to all employees as it relates to EEO, provides related training, works closely with external agencies and monitors employment transactions to ensure a fair and equitable workplace. For additional information, click on the above link. 


EACU ensures that services, benefits, and activities offered and/or funded by MDH are provided in a non-discriminatory manner. This includes the adequate provision of services to individuals who have Limited English Proficiency (LEP) and individuals with disabilities, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and its amendments. 

EACU accomplishes its purpose by conducting compliance reviews, technical assistance, training and/or investigations when non-compliance of regulations governing LEP or ADA matters have been alleged.  For additional information, click on the above link.


OEOP Resources


For Further​ Information​

  • For questions or comments regarding this site, call 410-767-6600

  • MDH General Information:  410-767-6500 or 1-877-463-3464​

  • ​MD Relay Number:  1-800-735-2258​


​Keneithia J. Taylor
Executive Director
201 W. Preston Street, Room 422-I
Baltimore, MD  21201
Office: 410-767-6600
Fax:  410-333-5337​