CHW Resources

Reports, Infographics, Resources, Data, and Toolkits

Reports and Infographics

Opportunities for Public Health Agencies to Advance Sustainable Financing of Community Health Worker Programs​ (ASTHO, July 2024)

This report explores how state, territorial, and freely associated state health agencies (S/THAs) can play key roles as funders, administrators, and policy design champions for CHW programs and ultimately advance sustainable financing of CHW services

Accredited Community Health Worker (CHW) Certification Training Programs:  Three Year Spotlight (August 2023)
This report summarizes a survey of accredited CHW certification training programs.  (Lauryn Dunkwu, University of Maryland, College Park Intern, August 2023).​​

Maryland Community Health Worker and Employer Surveys:  Analysis and Report 2022
This report summarizes a survey of Maryland CHWs and CHW employers.  (Prepared by Market Decision Research, June 2022)


Maryland Quality Reporting

The Maryland Health Care Commission (MHCC) recently launched the new and improved Maryland Quality Reporting website. The site provides access to health care quality information for nursing homes, hospitals, commercial health plans, outpatient surgery centers and many other health care settings in one, convenient location. MHCC is asking for your help to let them know what you think of this website and how they can make it a great resource for health care decision making in Maryland.​  Contact information to share your feedback is listed in the PPT below.

Maryland Medicaid Check-In Campaign

​Starting in April 2023, Maryland began making Medicaid eligibility reviews again. ​See the resources below for more information.

Updated August 11, 2024