We are pleased to announce our recognized businesses for 2024. Forty businesses received recognition this year and represent businesses of all sizes from all over Maryland. Businesses were eligible for three levels of recognition: Exemplar (the highest level), Pacesetter, and Standout.
Exemplar businesses have well-established workplace wellness practices promoting a culture of health across the organization. Exemplar businesses address wellness through all four strategies: policy, programming, benefits, and environmental support. Exemplar businesses thoroughly evaluate their workplace wellness initiatives and use evaluation results to inform future planning and implementation.
AstraZeneca- Gaithersburg
Atlantic General Hospital
CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield
Carroll County Health Department
Charles County Government
Choptank Electric Cooperative
Easton Utilities
Hub Labels, Inc.
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Mid-Atlantic States, Inc.
MedStar Franklin Square Medical Center
MedStar Good Samaritan Hospital
MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital
MedStar Union Memorial Hospital
Montgomery County Public Schools
Pompeian, Inc.
Prince George's Community College
The Arc of Washington County
WSSC Water
Pacesetter businesses have established worksite wellness practices. Pacesetter businesses address wellness using at least three strategies (policy, programming, benefits, and/or environmental support). Pacesetter businesses evaluate some workplace wellness initiatives and use evaluation results to inform future planning and implementation.
Adventist HealthCare
Anne Arundel County Government
CBIZ, Inc.
Educators Benefit Services
Emmes Group
Garrett College
Garrett County Public Schools
MedStar Ambulatory Services
MedStar Health Research Institute
MedStar Montgomery Medical Center
Queen Anne’s County
The Dixon Group
Standout businesses have emerging worksite wellness practices. Standout businesses address workplace wellness using at least two strategies (policy, programming, benefits and environmental support). Standout businesses collect some data to inform future planning and implementation.
Allegany College of Maryland
Frederick Health
Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay Golf Resort, Spa and Marina
MedStar Health Home Care
MedStar Southern Maryland Hospital Center
Nymeo Federal Credit Union
St. Mary's County Health Department
Staples Distribution Center
For more information on how to join Healthiest Maryland Businesses or for information on the recognition process, please contact the HMB coordinator at: mdh.hmb@maryland.gov.