Are you pregnant and have opioid use disorder or have a history of using opioids?
The MOM program could be right for you. It can help you get all the care and services you may need while pregnant and after the birth of your baby too.
As soon as you know you are having a baby, start prenatal care. These checkups help keep you and your baby healthy. If you are not sure where to start, call your health care provider or your health care plan for help.
The MOM program offers case management services, helping you to connect all the care services needed for the health, wellbeing, treatment, and recovery of soon to be parents and infants who have an opioid use disorder (OUD). You can get services during and up to one year after your pregnancy.
How does MOM case management work?
A case manager will meet with you at least monthly. You and your case manager will come up with a care plan that is best for you and your baby.
You and your case manager may talk about:
- Your mental and physical health needs
- Your treatment goals
- Basic healthy lifestyle needs and supports
- How to avoid overdose
- Medicine for opioid treatment
- Other opioid treatments while pregnant
- Local resources
What kind of care will MOM connect me with?
While receiving MOM case management, you may have more regular health care visits:
- Checkups during pregnancy
- Medicine for opioid treatment
- Checkups after pregnancy
- Other health care services
How do I know if I am eligible for MOM case management services?
To be eligible, you must:
- Have health insurance through Maryland Medicaid
- Be pregnant
- Use or have used opioids
How much do these services cost?
MOM case management services are free for eligible Medicaid members.
What kind of results can people who use MOM case management services have?
MOM case management hopes for:
- More parents going to more prenatal visits
- Fewer pre-term or early births
- Better birth weight for baby
- Fewer babies treated for opioids
- Less opioid use
How can I join MOM?
Contact Information
For questions about Maryland Medicaid's MOM case management, email