If you are pregnant or recently gave birth, Home Visiting Services may be for you. Home Visiting Services provide support and teach parenting skills to birth parents before and after birth. Your health care provider or your health plan can help find the right home visiting program for you.
What is Home Visiting?
Home Visiting services are designed for pregnant people to get the care and support they need to have a healthy pregnancy and healthy child. These services are usually provided in the home by a specially trained professional or a nurse. After pregnancy, your home visitor will continue to support you and your child, up to their second or third birthday, depending on the program that's right for you.
What can I expect when using Home Visiting Services?
Maryland currently offers two evidence-based home visiting models, Healthy Families America and Nurse Family Partnership. Your health care provider may discuss things such as first time parenthood or any challenges you may have that would make your pregnancy and postpartum period more difficult to determine which program is a better fit for you.
The type of home visiting services and home visitor is tailored to the specific needs of the family. The home visits can teach you about:
- how your baby grows and learns
- parenting skills
- self-care
- resources available to you in the community
- diet and nutrition
- planning for the future
- mental health and stress control
How do I know if I am eligible for Home Visiting Services?
To be eligible, you must meet all of the following requirements:
- Be a Maryland Medicaid member
- Be pregnant, or have delivered a child within three months
To get these services, reach out to your Managed Care Organization (MCO).
How much do these services cost?
Home Visiting Services are free for eligible Medicaid members.
What benefit does one obtain by enrolling in Home Visiting Services?
Home Visiting Services support pregnant people and families with young children by helping them get needed services. They also teach positive parenting skills to help in raising healthy children. These services are based on extensive research and evidence.
What if I want to become a certified Home Visiting Services Program under Maryland Medicaid?
Please see our
Home Visiting Services Provider information.
Contact information
For questions about Maryland Medicaid's Maternal and Child Health programs, email
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