

Learn more about how Maryland is combatting the heroin and opioid crisis

BHA Latest Information

Get the Fight the Flu poster​​ or learn more about the seasonal flu by visiting health.maryland.gov/flu ​

The new Racism and Mental Health Series will take place the first Thursday of the month starting November 5 with “Life is Precious: Preventing Suicidal Behavior in Latina Adolescents in a Culturally-Competent Manner.”​
Find BHA’s new Positive COVID-19 Test Reporting Form 
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BHA ​Resources​

Quick Links​​

​​​Maryland Addiction Consultation Service (MACS)
1-855-337-MACS (6227)      ​​​http://www.marylandmacs.org/​
MACS provides support to prescribers and their practices in addressing the needs of their patients with substance use disorders and chronic pain management.  To get the latest news, information, and to find out about upcoming opportunities MACS has planned, click here​.


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