
Office of Food Protection

​New and Updated: 

Cannabis and CBD in Foods

​It is unlawful for any establishment to manufacture, sell, offer for sale, or receive in commerce any food that contains cannabis, cannabidiol (CBD), tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), or intoxicating cannabis-related products, as these foods are considered adulterated​. Lea​rn more.​

Service Anim​als in Retail Food Facilities FAQ​

​Maryland’s retail food regulations (COMAR 10.15.03) allow service animals that are controlled by an
individual with a disability to be in food service facilities, including restaurants and grocery stores.
Maryland’s retail food regulations are consistent with the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) as they pertain to service animals.​ Learn more.

Charitable Community Food Facilities

The Office of Food Protection in the Maryland Department of Health has drafted a proposal to create a separate chapter of regulations for preparing, handling, and serving food at a charitable community food facility. This chapter of regulations, Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) 10.15.13, is not yet finalized, and OFP is seeking input from individuals and organizations who may be affected by these changes. 

​About the Office of Food Protection

The Office of Food P​rote​ction’s (OFP) mission​ is to assure the safety of food in Maryland. ​
The Office of Food Protection: ​

  • Works with partners from Local, State, and Federal agencies.
  • Participates in policy making, training and information sharing.
  • Conducts plan, process, and HACCP reviews for all Food Processing Plants, Warehouses, Milk and Dairy Plants, and Chain/franchise retail food service facilities (prototypes).
  • Issues licenses, inspect and​ enforce food safety regulations for Food Processing, Warehousing, and Milk/Dairy Facilities.
  • ​Responds to threats to the food supply including contamination and food tampering, and participate in epidemiological investigations.

​​ Webinar on Food Facility Registration (FFR), Biennial Renewal, and Unique Facility Identifiers (UFI)​

 ​Programs and Services​

COVID-19 and​ Food Protection Update

​Thanks to the efforts of the majority of Marylanders to receive their COVID-19 vaccines, business operations have begun the return to normal in Maryland.  As of July 1, 2021 all emergency mandates and restrictions related to COVID-19 were lifted, including face covering requirements. ​As such, masks are not required in any setting, except for public transportation conveyances, which is in effect under Federal order.  Private businesses and workplaces are still encouraged to follow CDC guidelines and may still put in place the​ir own policies with respect to masking. See the Maryland Department of Health Face Covering Recommendations and FAQ.  For more information regarding restaurants and retail operations, please contact a local health department food program.

MDH strongly recom​​mends that all non-vaccinated individuals over the age of 2 years continue to wear face coverings in all indoor settings outside of their home and in outdoor settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained. ​​

Contac​t us:  

Maryland Department of Health 
Office of Food Protection
6 St. Paul Street, Suite 1301
Baltimore, MD  21202

Phone:  (410) 767-8400

Fax: (410) 333-8931​
E-mail:  mdh.envhealth@maryland.gov​​ ​​

​This page was last updated 7/7/2022

Do you need a food processing permit renewed? See here ​for more details.​

If you have a food-related complaint, please complete our Compla​int Form​​​.

​For other food-related questions please email: mdh.envhealth@maryland.gov

Qui​ck Links

Topics​​ of Interest