Grant Monitoring and Performance Measurement
The Commission implements a robust system of performance measurement to ensure public resources are utilized wisely and efficiently, and to determine the efficacy of grant programs and the impact of CHRC funding in underserved communities. This performance measurement provides reliable information about the programs and models of services that were successful in improving the health of patients and meeting the needs of Marylanders.
Grantees are required to submit, twice a year, as a condition of grant payment the following reports and information. CHRC staff evaluates the information submitted and grantees are held accountable for their program’s performance.
(1) CHRC Grantee Milestones & Deliverable Report: Each grantee has a unique Milestones and Deliverable (M&D) report that include a core set of common data variables that all grantees are required to report, focus-area specific measures (i.e. measures specific to all infant mortality grants) and grant specific measures. Prior to grant funds being distributed, grantees are required to provide projections on performance measures and in subsequent reporting periods, grantees update the report with actual performance numbers.
Sample Reducing Infant Mortality Grant M&D Report
Sample Primary Care New Access M&D Report
(2) Narrative Report: This is a 2-4 page narrative document that provides details about the programs activities in the preceding six-months. This is a companion document to the M&D report, and should provide the CHRC with qualitative information about the grant program including details of any major events or activities that took place as part of the program; details about why the grantee has not made (made, or exceeded) program projections of services provided; any problems or issues encountered and how the grantee resolved or plans to address these issues; and, any successes or unexpected outcomes from the program activities should be shared in the narrative report.
(3) Expenditure Report: This document details how grant funds were utilized in the preceding six months. The expenditure report includes expenses by the budget line item and sufficient detail must be provided by the grantee for expenses that are not clear by their line item budget description alone (i.e. A Personnel line item should be broken out into each paid position, with pay rate/salary and benefits cost).
(4) Invoice: An invoice is required for each grant payment.
Grant Modification Requests
Grantees are able to request changes to their approved grant program by submitting a Grant Modification Form to the Commission and an updated program budget. Grantees may be asked to present their grant modification request before the Commission.