Expanding Access in Maryland's Underserved Communities
Over the last six years, the CHRC has issued eight Calls for Proposals and has received more than 400 requests for funding, totaling $147 million. The Commission has awarded 110 grants totaling approximately $23.1 million which collectively has served more than 105,000 underserved Marylanders.
The CHRC grants are aligned to support the health priorities of the O’Malley-Brown Administration and the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, and the Commission targets its resources to reach areas of the state with the greatest unmet needs. These grants largely support expanding access to primary care in underserved areas of the state; helping to reduce infant mortality; increasing access to dental care; integrating behavioral health treatment services in the community, and facilitating the adoption of health information technology among safety net providers.
Grant proposals are evaluated by independent subject matter experts on range of criteria based on the CHRC’s authorizing statute, including the ability of the grantee to achieve stated program objectives and be sustainable once initial grant funds are utilized. The CHRC monitors its grantee performance to ensure public resources are utilized efficiently and determine a program’s efficacy and impact on health outcomes.