
Continuing Education

​​​​​Licensees and PT Compact Privilege holders must comply with the Maryland Physical Therapy Act 

COMAR Continuing Education Requirements. A. Continuing education is a requirement for renewal or reinstatement of licenses for physical therapists and physical therapist assistants....(click here for complete regulation).

COMAR Renewal Requirements. ​A. A licensee shall (1) Earn CE hours between April 1 and March 31 during the 2-year period before renewal... (click here for complete regulation).  

COMAR Auditing Compliance with Continuing Education Requirements. A. The Board shall audit the continuing education records of as many licensees as time and resources allow. (click here for complete regulation). 

​​Read the Maryland Physical Therapy Act​ for statutes and regulations

Course Review

Approvals: The Board accepts the continuing education courses on the Approved course list for fulfilling the 30 contact hours for physical therapists and 20 contact hours for physical therapist assistants required for renewal or reinstatement of licenses (COMAR 10.38.08)

COMAR - Continuing Education courses sponsored by the American Physical Therapy Association are automatically approved by the Board.​​​

Questions? Contact Us!​