License Renewal Requirements (COMAR & Definitions (COMAR 

  • A licensee shall earn continuing education (CE) hours between April 1 and March 31 during the 2-year period before renewal and maintain records of the CE subject matter, certificates of completion, hours, date, and CE hours to present to the Board on request
  • CE hours completed after March 31 of the year of the renewal may not be accepted
  • Physical Therapists shall earn 30 CE hours for the renewal period 
  • Physical Therapist Assistants shall earn 20 CE hours for the renewal period
  • CE hour means a period of 60 minutes in which the licensee is engaged in a learning activity
  • CE hour does not include any portion of CE devoted to registration, breaks, social networking, or meals
  • CE means learning experiences that include a licensee's direct participation and are designed to enhance the professional practice of physical therapy and limited physical therapy
  • CE hours may not be carried over from one renewal period to the next
  • Failure to substantiate CE hours if requested by the Board shall result in denial of license renewal or reinstatement of a license
Licensee May Submit a Request for CE Review (COMAR Continuing Education Approval):

  • The Board maintains a list of approved or non-approved CE hours submitted by CE providers on the "Continuing Education" website page. 
  • Not all CE providers submit continuing education to the Board for review
  • CE approved by the APTA is automatically accepted by the Board 
  • If the CE is not listed as approved or non-approved, licensee submits a request to the Board at least 30 days prior to the commencement of the CE activity containing, but not exclusive to, information set forth in COMAR Continuing Education Requirements and Continuing Education Professional Development Criteria
  • The Board appreciates supporting documentation such as a complete hour-by-hour agenda, a clear and concise written statement describing the CE's learning outcomes or instructional objectives

  • Below, you will find a link to submit a Licensee Review Request, as well as a link to COMAR 10.38.08 Continuing Education Requirements 
  • CE approved by APTA is automatically accepted by the Board (COMAR

Licensee Course Review