Obtaining a Death Certificate

Death Certificates are issued by the Maryland Vital Statistics Administration

What happens after an individual passes away:

Ste​p 1 – Once the State Anatomy Board receives the deceased and contacts family to verify current data; the donor information is then processed by staff for registering the Death Certificate. ​

Step 2 – A medical professional is notified to prepare a death certificate for the deceased.  Some facilities will prepare an electronic version and grant the State Anatomy Board the right to complete the process.  Other facilities will complete a paper death certificate that will be mailed to the State Anatomy Board.  Some facilities will require a paper death certificate be mailed to them, they will complete the form, and then it is mailed back to the State Anatomy Board. This process may take several weeks depending on the medical facility. Once a Death Certificate is received at the State Anatomy Board, the data is entered into the Vital Statistics Administration electronic system for filing.

Step 3 – The Vital Statistics Administration will issue the certified Death Certificate. As a courtesy, a Vital Statistics Administration death certificate application form will be mailed to the next of kin by the State Anatomy Board.  Please follow all instructions on this form and mail all requested items to the address on the form.  The form is also available by visiting https://health.maryland.gov/vsa/Pages/death.aspx.  This will take you to the Vital Statistics Administration web site with information on obtaining official death certificates.

Please do NOT attem​pt to pick up Death Certificates from in person unless you contact the State Anatomy Board to verify that it has been received from the medical facility and has been filed with Vital Statistics Administration.  This can result in your inconvenience if it is not yet ready.

​​Maryland Vital Statistics Administration

The Vital Statistics Administration website has information about all vital statistic forms and interactions at their website:


Maryland Vital Statistics Administration - Death Certificates

The subpage listing the process for obtaining a death certificate from the Vital Statistics Administration is at their website:
