​​​​​​​​​​​Data and Reports

These include past reports specific to tobacco related behaviors in the State of Maryland.
These include Statewide and Local data from past Youth Risk Behavior Surveys (YRBS) completed in the State of Maryland. The data includes a range of health behavior topics covered by the YRBS.

This page hosts the most commonly used Maryland Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) documents.​ 


Page Updated: March 3, 2021

The Maryland Youth Risk Behavior Survey & Youth Tobacco Survey - YRBS/YTS​

The Maryland Department of Health (MDH) and the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) work together to conduct one health-related student survey in the fall of even calendar years – to avoid spring school standardized testing/assessments. The health survey is a combination of the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) and Youth Tobacco Survey (YTS).  The core of the survey is the YRBS, supplemented by questions from the YTS and other surveys.  An independent professional survey contractor administers the anonymous and confidential surveys, collects answer sheets, and sends them to the CDC.  The CDC scans the answer sheets, creates the database, and conducts primary data analysis using the CDC’s YRBS protocols. 

Current YRBS/YTS Questionnaires
​Please review this page f​or information regarding the CDC rationale for specific survey questions, as well as to review current and previous versions of the YRBS/YTS questionnaires. 

Commonly asked questions about the YRBS/YTS.

These instructions appear on the cover of every student's survey questionnaire booklet.

Three videos were created for the Maryland YRBS/YTS: a​ survey overview, teacher roles, and school point of contact roles video​​. 
This form only needs to be completed if a parent or guardian does not want their child to participate in the survey.
This report provides an understanding of the Youth Risk Behavioral Surveillance System provided by the CDC.

YRBS/YTS External Data Requests: 

Please submit all data requests on the MD YRBS/YTS Data Request Form​. Data requests must include a description of the data being requested and what the data will be used for. Please allow data requests to be fulfilled within 2 to 3 weeks.​ Please email mdh.yrbs_ytsdatarequest1@maryland.gov​ with any YRBS/YTS data-related questions.


Resource on Coping during COVID-19
