Local Lifestyle Programs

Living a healthy lifestyle can help people manage or prevent high blood pressure, high cholesterol, body weight and blood sugar levels. There are many lifestyle programs and classes throughout Maryland to help people manage health conditions.

Taking Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) 

The TOPS program is a weight-loss program designed to help people make healthier choices with tools, information, and support. Members participate in a one-year program that includes access to wellness resources, weekly meetings where a short program on wellness topics is presented and members are provided the opportunity to hear or share challenges, successes, and goals. Explore the TOPS website to find out more. Click here to find a class. 

Chronic Disease Self-Management (CDSMP) ​​

Chronic disease self-management programs are designed to help people manage chronic conditions. Below are some examples of programs provided by Maryland Living Well.

Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP). A 6-week program for people with any chronic diseases or conditions that go on for a long time. Caregivers who assist them are also welcome. The class helps people to adopt and maintain healthy behaviors and to live active and fulfilling lives. Classes are led by a team of peer leaders.

High Blood Pressure.  ​​​​A 2.5 hour class that is offered before the 6-week CDSMP class. This class helps people diagnosed with hypertension or high blood pressure to better manage their condition.

Chronic Pain Self-Management Program (CPSMP). A 6-week program for people with chronic pain. Caregivers who assist them are also welcome. The class helps people to manage their lives with pain and stay active. Classes are led by a team of peer leaders.

Find out more at the Maryland Living Well website and search for scheduled classes here

Diabetes Prevention and Management​​

Find local classes related to diabetes prevention and management here.  

Smoking Cessation

The Maryland Tobacco Quitline offers FREE support to help individuals quit tobacco products. Visit the website or call 1-800-QUIT-NOW. ​