Ways to Partner

The Maryland Department of Health is offering eligible providers of sexual health services in Maryland the opportunity to participate in the federal Sexually Transmitted Disease Title 318 340B Drug Pricing Program. This program enables covered entities to purchase outpatient drugs at significantly discounted prices from pharmaceutical manufacturers, helping providers enhance their resources to better serve their patients and communities.

The 340B program offers a variety of benefits for providers. Providers may reinvest the savings to expand services, improve patient care, and reach more vulnerable populations. Providers may also use these savings to enhance their operations, increase access to care, and offer additional services as needed. Overall, 340B participation allows providers to improve health outcomes and ensure the sustainability of essential health care services.

Partnering providers must include a routine sexual history and test for HIV, STI, and viral hepatitis at least annually as a standard of care to establish patient eligibility. Providers will complete a Memorandum of Understanding and report an aggregate eligible patient census at least annually before 340B recertification. The Maryland Department of Health will provide data reviews, clinical quality improvement, and technical assistance as required in-kind service for Title 318 340B access. 

To apply for eligibility, complete the application in full, ensuring all required fields marked with an asterisk (*) are filled out. 

For questions or additional information:

Email: jeanl.taylor@maryland.gov

Phone: 443-509-9077