
Dispenser Updates

​​Naloxone Medication Data​ 

​In the Maryland 2022 Legislative Session, Chapter 224 "Public Health – Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) – Naloxone Medication Data" passed.  What this means is that dispensers who currently report CDS dispenses to the PDMP will also begin reporting naloxone dispenses to the PDMP.  The bill gave the start date of October 1, 2022; however, the regulations t​o guide this change were promulgated in May 2023.  The PDMP Advisory Board has given dispensers an implementation period to operationalize the new naloxone reporting requirement until July 20, 2023.  If a prescriber writes a prescription for naloxone and does not have a DEA number, then the dispenser should provide the prescriber's NPI number.  As a reminder, these naloxone dispenses will not be viewable in the PDMP; the data will be used in aggregate for public health surveillance and planning.  Here is the updated RxGov PDMP Data Submitter ​Guide​.

Maryland PDMP Dispenser Reporting Requirements

Maryland's PDMP data collection vendor is Leap Orbit and the platform through which it collects data i​s RxGov.  Dispensers, or their authorized data submitter, must report data every 24 hours to RxGov to be in compliance with Maryland statute requirements, including submission of zero reports if no dispensing occurs. ‘Zero reports’ are required on any day that the dispenser does not dispense a CS prescription, regardless of whether or not the dispensing facility is open for business that day.​ 

If you would like assistance with submitting your CS dispense da​​ta, contact the MD PDMP Help Desk by email rxgovsupport@leaporbit.com​ or call 1-844-767-4767 (24/7/365).​

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