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Grant Monitoring and Performance Measurement

The Commission implements a thorough system of performance measurement to ensure public resources are utilized wisely and efficiently and to determine the efficacy of grant programs and the impact of CHRC funding in underserved communities. This performance measurement provides information about the programs and models of services that were successful in improving the health of patients and meeting the needs of Marylanders.

As a condition of grant payment, grantees are required to submit, twice a year, both the programmatic and fiscal reports outlined below. CHRC staff evaluates the information submitted, and grantees are held accountable for performance.

(1) CHRC Grantee Milestones & Deliverable Report

Each grantee has a unique Milestones and Deliverable (M&D) report that includes a core set of common data variables that all grantees are required to report as well as program-specific measures. Prior to distribution of grant funds, grantees are required to provide estimates or projected performance measures such as number of individuals served or number of patient encounters and, in subsequent reporting periods, grantees report actual figures. To see a sample M&D report, click on the link below.

Sample M&D Report​

(2) Narrative Report​

Narrative reports are documents submitted with the M&D report that provide details about the program’s activities in the preceding reporting period.  The narrative report provides qualitative information about the grant program, including details of any major events or activities that took place, successes and challenges of the program, and how the grantee resolved or plans to address challenges that have occurred. At the end of the grant period, grantees are required to submit a final report, which gives both the details of the final six months of the program, and the plans to continue the program after the end of the grant. To view the template to be used for the narrative interim and final reports, click the links below.

Interim Narrative Report Template​

Final Narrative Report Template​

(3) Expenditure Report

The expenditure report details how grant funds were utilized in the preceding reporting period.  The expenditure report includes expenses by the budget line item.  Grantees provide supporting documentation such as bills of sale, receipts for expenditures, invoices, and payroll records. CHRC staff examines these expenditures to ensure that public grant funds are spent in accordance with the original grant approved by the CHRC.  A sample expenditure report and list of acceptable documentation can be accessed by clicking the links below.    

Sample Expenditure Report

Expenditure Documentation List​

(4) Invoice

An invoice is required for each grant payment.  Invoices must include the following information:  Name of grantee (letterhead is preferred), grantee FEIN, grantee address, and date and must be addressed to the Community Health Resources Commission.  Invoices are not approved by CHRC staff until the M&D report, narrative report, and expenditure report for the previous reporting period and supporting documentation have been reviewed and CHRC staff determines that these materials are sufficient and complete.   This review is documented by CHRC staff. A sample invoice can be seen by clicking the link below.

Sample Invoice​

(5) Grant Modifications

Should a grant modification be necessary, the following forms should be submitted to the CHRC. They can be accessed by clicking on the links below.

CHRC Grant Modification Request Form

Sample Grant Modification Budget Request Form​

(6) Programmatic Audits​​

As part of our monitoring procedures to ensure grantees are meeting the milestones and deliverables of the grant agreement, the Community Health Resources Commission randomly selects a number of ​current grantees for a programmatic audit.  CHRC views and records documentation for each metric on the grantee’s M&D report.  Special attention is given to measures that relate to the key deliverables on the project, making sure that not only can the numbers be documented, but whether or not the specific deliverables were met. 

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