Frequently Asked Questions
For Consumers
The Board of Chiropractic & Massage Therapy Examiners is not providing legal advice via this F.A.Q. for consumers.
Q - Are massage therapists and practitioners required to be licensed?
Yes, by law any massage therapist or massage practitioner practicing for compensation in Maryland is required to be licensed by the State of Maryland’s Board of Chiropractic & Massage Therapy Examiners. There are no waivers or “grandfather” clauses that permit anyone to practice massage in Maryland for compensation without a license or registration issued by this Board.
Q - What credentials should a licensed massage therapist or registered massage practitioner have?
The current basic requirements for all certified massage therapists and registered massage practitioners is completion of an accredited massage therapy program consisting of at least 500 hours, passing a national certification exam, passing the State’s jurisprudence exam, and meeting or exceeding all other requirements including moral character requirements.
Q - How do I know if my massage therapist or practitioner licensed by the State of Maryland?
All massage therapists and practitioners are required to conspicuously display an original license/registration where they practice; copies are not acceptable. Consumers should see the original license/registration. If you do not see a license or registration conspicuously displayed you have the right as a consumer to ask the therapist/practitioner to present their license/registration for your inspection. Currently, all certificates and registrations expire on October 31, 2010.
Q - My therapist does not have a license and said that he/she is grandfathered and does not need a license. Is this true?
No, this is not true. There are no provisions of law or regulation that permit anyone to perform massage for compensation in Maryland without a license or registration from the Maryland Board of Chiropractic & Massage Therapy Examiners.
Q - Is there a way to get on-line verification of a licensed massage therapist or registered massage practitioner in Maryland?
Yes, all consumers are encouraged to verify a license/registration status on line via the Board’s verification feature:
Q - Is there a way to get a verbal verification of a licensed massage therapist or registered massage practitioner in Maryland?
Yes, all consumers are encouraged to call 410-764-4665 during normal business hours or send an e-mail to to obtain a verification of certified massage therapists and registered massage practitioners in Maryland.
Q - At the first treatment session, my massage therapist/practitioner asked me to fill out a medical history form that documented my general health and medical history. Is this legal and/or appropriate?
Yes, massage therapists/practitioners are required to obtain information from you prior to your first treatment session regarding their patient’s/client’s current physical state and medical history so that the therapist/practitioner can avoid doing any harm should you have conditions that would not benefit from a massage. Additionally, a massage therapist/practitioner may refer you to another licensed therapist or registered practitioner if the referred therapist/practitioner is more appropriately trained and experienced. The massage therapist/practitioner is also required to document all treatment sessions.
Q - I am moving to another state thereby necessitating the need to use a different massage professional. May I ask the therapist/practitioner for a copy of my medical history form and on-going treatment notes?
Yes, massage therapists/practitioners are required to provide you with a legible copy of documentation of the medical history form and documentation of treatment sessions.
Q - Can the Board recommend a licensed massage therapist or registered massage practitioner?
No, the Board cannot recommend any massage therapist or practitioner.
Q - How can I report unlicensed activity?
You may report unlicensed activity to the Board by providing a written complaint to the Board. You are also encouraged to file a police report with the local law enforcement agency that has jurisdiction where the unlicensed activity occurred.
Q - How do I file a complaint?
You may file a written complaint by requesting that a complaint form be mailed to you. The complaint form is also available for downloading here: How to File a Complaint
Q - How do I find out if a massage therapist or practitioner has been disciplined?
The Board publishes public disciplinary orders on the MTAC website; you may see this information at the following site: Summary of Disciplinary Actions . If you need written verification of a massage professional’s standing with the Board you must make a written request to the Board and pay a $35.00 fee. Verbal verifications may be provided over the phone. The Board only discloses formal, public disciplinary orders; the Board
Q - What is the Maryland Board of Chiropractic & Massage Therapy Examiners?
The Maryland Board of Chiropractic & Massage Therapy Examiners, has the duty and responsibility to promote and protect the public health, safety, and welfare by reviewing all applications for licensure, certification, and registration to ensure that applicants are qualified and competent to practice their profession in accordance with the law and regulations governing the profession.