Partnering with CCS

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DDA's Coordinators of Community Services (CCS), also known as Targeted Case Managers, ensure that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families get the support they need for independence, health, safety, and active community involvement. The CCS's role is to promote services and supports that are planned and delivered in a manner that encourages self-sufficiency, promotes being an active member of the community, and ensures that the individual achieves their desired quality of life by:

  • Supporting individuals and families with referrals and related activities including assistance with community, state and federal resources and developing opportunities for individuals to establish relationships, friendships, and connections in the community;
  • Monitoring to ensure health and safety and addressing changes in a person's needs, including maintaining enrollment in the DDA-operated waiver program, ensuring that services are delivered according to the Person Centered Plan for participants enrolled in a DDA-operated waiver program, and monitoring participant satisfaction with those services and supports,
  • Facilitating the development of a participant's Person-Centered Plan; and 
  • Supporting the completion of assessments to assist in the final determination of a participant's level of care, service needs, and health and safety risks.

CCS Providers must meet specific training and qualifications set by Maryland and the federal government to offer these services to participants found eligible by DDA.

Interested in b​ecoming a CCS Provider? Read more here: Provider Application

Below, CCSs will discover essential resources, guidance, and updates to sustain their impactful contributions to the people we serve.

Comprehensive Assessment

Waiting List Tools

Other State Resources

Monitoring and Follow-Up

DDA Medicaid Waiver Application

Level of Care

Person-Centered Planning

Self-Directed Services

Community Settings Questionnaire

Liberty Healthcare Corporation 


CCS Monthly Meetings

Regional Office CCS Squad Contact Information

Central Maryland Regional Office
CCS Lead: Nirvana Spriggs​

Eastern Shore Regional Office
CCS Lead: Debbie Balea

Southern Maryland Regional Office
CCS Lead: Carol Bowman
301- 523-5317

Western Maryland Regional Office
CCS Lead: Marysa Whalen