Liberty Healthcare Corporation

​​​​Waivers & Policies​ > Compliance and Quality Improvement > Liberty Healthcare Corporation/QIO​​

​​​​ Cover image showing images of disabled individuals

The Journey to Person-Centered Excellence


The Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) is leading the State of Maryland in the pursuit of Person-Centered Excellence Network Accreditation from The Council on Quality and Leadership (CQL). The goal of achieving CQL accreditation is to build continuous quality improvement processes within DDA to create a flexible, person-centered, family-oriented system of supports so people can have full lives

Liberty Healthcare Organization logo, with subtitle "The Freedom to Succeed"

chart.pngThe DDA contracted with Liberty Healthcare Corporation, a certified Quality Improvement Organization (QIO)-like Entity by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), to support the department through this journey. As a QIO, Liberty employs health quality experts and consumers that help to shape policy, practice, and quality improvement strategies. Liberty will support DDA's journey towards person-centered excellence by utilizing data to inform strategies that will improve…

  • system quality and participant outcomes through CQL Network Accreditation data collection
  • participant and family satisfaction with services through National Core Indicator surveys and
  • compliance with CMS Waiver Assurances.

Liberty will support the DDA by:

list1.png Interviewing people receiving services and their families to ensure their voice is heard

list2.pngDiscovering​ ways to improve services and supports and

list3.png Providing recommendations to improve service delivery​

Latest News on the Journey Towards Person-Centered Excellence



Informational/topical videos


Standard Operating ​​Procedures

QIO Collaborative Workgroup