Waivers & Policies > Compliance and Quality Improvement > Liberty Healthcare Corporation/QIO
The Journey to Person-Centered Excellence
The Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) is leading the State of Maryland in the pursuit of Person-Centered Excellence Network Accreditation from The Council on Quality and Leadership (CQL). The goal of achieving CQL accreditation is to build continuous quality improvement processes within DDA to create a
family-oriented system of supports so people can have full lives.

The DDA contracted with Liberty Healthcare Corporation, a certified Quality Improvement Organization (QIO)-like Entity by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), to support the department through this journey. As a QIO, Liberty employs health quality experts and consumers that help to shape policy, practice, and quality improvement strategies. Liberty will support DDA's journey towards person-centered excellence by utilizing data to inform strategies that will improve…
- system quality and participant outcomes through CQL Network Accreditation data collection
- participant and family satisfaction with services through National Core Indicator surveys and
- compliance with CMS Waiver Assurances.
Liberty will support the DDA by:
Interviewing people receiving services and their families
to ensure their voice is heard
Discovering ways to improve services and supports and
Providing recommendations to improve
service delivery
Latest News on the Journey Towards Person-Centered Excellence
Informational/topical videos
Standard Operating Procedures
QIO Collaborative Workgroup