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Learn more about the DDA application process and services
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Our Administration
We do this through six focus areas: Self-Determination, Self-Advocacy, Supporting Families, Housing, Employment, and Assistive Technology.
Use the online form to submit a request. Find more information on Fair Hearings.
Anyone applying for or enrolled in Medicaid who thinks a decision to deny, suspend, end, or reduce their Medicaid eligibility or services is wrong has the right to ask for a Fair Hearing about that decision. A Fair Hearing is also known as an appeal.
Click here to view more
Join the Waiver Advisory Council!
We want you to join the DDA Waiver Advisory Council! The Waiver Advisory Council provides stakeholder input on the DDA's operation of Medicaid waiver programs.
Get more information
Waiver Advisory Council Overview Flyer
Waiver Advisory Council Recruitment Flyer
Governor's Proclamation of Maryland Technology First Day
Governor Wes Moore proclaimed August 15 as Maryland Technology First Day, recognizing Maryland's commitment to building a state that promotes equality of opportunity, access, and choice for all Marylanders with disabilities.
Read the proclamation
Overviews of Self-Directed Services and Person-Centered Plans
The DDA has published the below overview documents to share the most current information about Self-Directed Services and Person-Centered Plans.
Self-Directed Services Overview
Person-Centered Plan Overview
Renew Your Medicaid Coverage
Here are the steps you need to take to renew your Medicaid coverage. When you renew, we will see if you are still eligible for Medicaid and for the waiver program you are in. To renew your Medicaid, known as renewal or redetermination, is to reapply. Some also call it an eligibility review.
Click to review the steps here
"See Me. See My Ability." Podcast
In our third video celebrating Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, we highlight the transformative effects of the "See Me. See My Ability." Podcast co-hosted by individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, produced by The Arc Southern Maryland.
Watch Video
The Arc Baltimore LGBTQ+ Group
DDA and MDH's second video celebrating Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month focuses on The Arc Baltimore and their innovative LGBTQ+ group, which is focused on promoting acceptance and unity.
Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
Governor Wes Moore proclaimed March 2024 as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month in Maryland!
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SEEC Person-Driven Technology Pilot Program
In celebration of Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, DDA and MDH will release videos this month featuring various resources in Maryland for people with disabilities. The first video in this series features SEEC's Person-Driven Technology Pilot Program.
2024 Informational Flyer
We released a 2024 version of our informational flyer, which includes updated information about our services and supports, and about how to get in contact with the DDA.
Deputy Secretary Announcement
Maryland Secretary of Health Dr. Laura Herrera Scott has announced that, effective January 10, 2024, Marlana R. Hutchinson will join MDH’s senior leadership team as the Deputy Secretary for Developmental Disabilities. We are very excited for her to step into this role and bring her expertise and leadership to DDA!
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