The Cancer and Chronic Disease Bureau was established in 2012 to improve the health of Maryland residents through public health initiatives focused on preventing and reducing the burden of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, tobacco use, and poor oral health. As part of a larger public entity, the Bureau’s activities are organized around the same foundational elements that guide the Maryland Department of Health.
Each of the five centers within the Cancer and Chronic Disease Bureau works in partnership with local health departments, community-based organizations, and universities to prevent disease and improve health in specific focus areas throughout the state. Together, the centers reach all age groups in the state of Maryland. The Cancer and Chronic Disease Bureau consists of the following centers:
The Center for Cancer Prevention and Control - Our mission is to reduce the burden of cancer in Maryland by providing guidance, support and funding to effective cancer programs, fostering collaboration among partners, and evaluating outcomes through data collection and analysis.
The Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Control - Our mission is to improve Maryland's health by preventing and controlling chronic disease.
The Center for the Kidney Disease Program - KDP provides financial assistance to certified recipients for the treatment of end stage renal disease.
The Center for Tobacco Prevention and Control - We work with community partners, state agencies, healthcare entities, resource centers, and local health departments to implement proven strategies to protect Maryland residents from tobacco-related death and disease.
The Office of Oral Health - Our mission is to improve the oral health of Maryland residents through a variety of public oral health initiatives and interventions.
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