Falls Prevention

​Injuries caused by falls (like cuts, bruises, broken bones, and internal bleeding) can require serious ​​medical attention and treatment. These injuries can prevent people from working and from being able to cover medical costs. According to CDC, about $50 billion each year is spent on medical costs related to non-fatal fall injuries. Falls also pose a major threat to older adults. Injuries from falls can cause older adults to become more dependent on others and need long-term assistance. 

Part​​ners and Resources

Maryland Department of Aging provides funding to local area agencies on aging to implement Chronic Disease Self-Management, A Matter of Balance, and Active Living Everyday programs.

Maryland Falls Prevention Awareness Week is an annual observation in September aimed to increase awareness around falls and reducing falls risk.

Maryland Living Well Center for Excellence provides resources for Maryland’s older adults such as evidence-based wellness programs, training and learning opportunities, and manages a centralized data collection system.

National Council on Aging provides information on falls prevention for older adults and resources for caregivers and professionals to improve the lives of older adults. 

OSHA (Falls Protection) provides falls prevention training, education, and information resources for occupational safety and health.

STEADI—Older Adult Fall Prevention (CDC) is an initiative for  healthcare providers to help reduce fall risk among your older patients.

Stepping On is a program that provides training, workshops, and resources to prevent falls at-home. Learn more if you or someone you know is concerned about falling or have experienced a fall.

​​Conta​ct Us

​201 W. Preston Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
Phone: 1-866-703-3266
Fax: 410-333-5030