MHHD Grant Programs Overview

Application information:

The FY 2025 Application cycle has now closed. Come back in the Spring of 2025 for information on the FY 2026 application cycle. ​

​Enhancing Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity for  COVID-19 Through Community-Based Strategies​

The Enhancing Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity for  COVID-19 Through Community-Based Strategies (ELC-CHW/CTCBS) is a COVID-19 response program that connects state and local resources to vulnerable minority populations through trusted community voices. The Office of Minority Health and Health Disparities (MHHD) awards funding to organizations that provide outreach, education, and linkage to primary care services. In the past local health departments, communit​​y, and faith based organizations have been awarded.

To read more about ELC-CHW/CTCBS​ click here

Minority Outreach and Technical Assistance (MOTA) 

MOTA (Minority Outreach Technical Assistance) MHHD's legacy program was initially born in 2001 from the Cigarette restitution program to ensure participation in the state's Tobacco and Cancer Community Health Coalition.  MOTA has grown to be a chronic disease program providing prevention, education, outreach, and linkage to care services. 

MOTA provides funding to organizations providing preventative programming utilizing community engagement, partnerships, outreach, technical assistance, and ongoing intervention with individuals with need.

To read more about MOTA click here​

Social Determinants Of Health (SDOH)​​

The Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) program  is our newest barrier removal program. The SDOH program reduces health inequity among Maryland’s racial and ethnic minorities. The program does this by providing funding to organizations to provide community-based interventions to address SDOH.

To read more about SDOH click here