Maryland Responders

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Maryland Responders are dedicated volunteers who stand ready to respond to the public health needs of our community. Whether it’s responding to a natural disaster or helping community members prepare for flu season, Maryland Responders are "Ready for Anything."​

Maryland Responders come from a variety of professional backgrounds and from different stages of their careers. For example, our members include both medical and public health volunteers, who are students, licensed practitioners, and retired practitioners. In addition, community members with non-medical backgrounds — interpreters, educators, photographers, planners, office workers, chaplains — support Maryland Responds by filling key support positions during emergency responses. While their backgrounds may differ, Maryland Responders have at least one thing in common — they share the desire to help those in need. In Maryland, everyone has a role to play in preparing for and responding to public health emergencies.

 Volunteer Quick Links

Updated September 27, 2024